
sins of the fathers; sins of the sigils.

 intro  an independent, private, multimuse blog hosting canon and original characters from ASOIAF.                     DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT.                      follows from @arenagods.

 rule i.  Welcome, my name is Skye and I use she/they pronouns. My timezone is AEST / GMT+10:30. This is a mature blog & I am twenty-nine; it goes without saying that I don't interact with minors in any capacity in my roleplaying, any non-rp or minors who interact will be hard-blocked.
                                         Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; — see rule x.
 rule ii.  As stated, this is a Private & Selective (mutuals only) Multi-Muse blog dedicated to mostly canon characters, with my own originals or canon-inspired characters. they are all set within the world of A Song of Ice and Fire; with show and personal divergencies. These characters will feature book, show, canon appendix lore, and hc influences. — see rule v. rule iii.  We are always OC friendly in this house, on the condition the muse respects and/or takes into consideration canon lore, and there is a discernible biography or information on the original character for me to read. rule iv.  I will be keeping these muses in the ASOIAF universe, within this I am always open to all kinds of timeline adaptions or other changes to make threads and interactions not so limited by canon eras. rule v.  Note that I have not (yet) watched House of the Dragon but I am very familiar the book lore. I am not avoidant of potential spoilers, but may ask questions obvious to those who've seen the show. Evidently, I draw extensively from canon book-lore for all my portrayals. rule vi.  This blog will contain age-gap relationships and canon/genre-relative mentions of incest. This blog is multi-ship and chemistry-based unless specified otherwise; see affiliates.

 rule vii.  Though this is a heavily canon character blog, in some cases unnamed book characters have been given names by me. This is usually in the instance of a character having unnamed parent/s, sibling/s, or other relevant, immediate kin. In underdeveloped characters, I also may create NPCs for the purpose of expanding on my adaptation's narrative; child, ward, mentor, sibling, etc. rule viii.  In general, if everyone just respects each other and themselves all will be well. zero tolerance or time for OOC hate or negativity, all traditional RP/RPC etiquette standards and rules apply. I do like to curate my dash and roleplaying experience to my liking and comfort — I will unfollow / not follow back if you:
     - Repeatedly don't cut your posts on the dash
     - Use the follow/unfollow button as a spam feature
     - Are not using any tagging system
     - Repeatedly reblog asks as threads.
 rule ix.  USFW/T threads are hosted on a side blog @sigilsins, please note that non-mutuals will cop an immediate ban-hammer if they interact with this sideblog. there is no content tagging nor readmores on this blog, as the just latter irk me. rule x.  The fandom genre is considered mature, and this blog will openly include, feature, and likely depict elements of potentially triggering content.      show ratings: TV-MA & R-18.
below are some of the more prevalent themes that will be written mentioned on this blog. consult: HBO show warnings an extensive list of content warnings.
     - threads : death, incest, grief, trauma, sexual themes
    - bios : miscarriage, slavery, rape, forced marriage, general assault, war, murder, abduction & any listed above.


during the time in which house targaryen conquered westeros and began
the centuries-long reign of the dragon kings.

AEGON i TARGARYEN, the CONQUEROR & dragon king.

argella durrandon, storm queen & mother of all stags.

edmyn tully, lord of riverrun, 2nd hand of king aegon i.

osmund stong, knight of house strong, kings 4th hand.

quenton qoherys, master-at-arms of the conquerors.

rhaenys i targaryen, the conquerors queen.

robin darklyn, darkrobin; kingsguard to king aegon i.

sargasana saan, chieftainess of pirates, kin of pirate-kings.

theo tyrell, second lord of the mander.

visenya i targaryen, elder conqueress & queen.


during the period of time where house targaryen ruled over westeros, not
including the immediate period of time referred to as the dance of dragons

alys turnberry, companion of princesse saera targaryen.

cassana estermont, lady of greenstone & baratheon bride.

duncan targaryen, the prince of dragonflies.

jenny of oldstones, a peasant; strange & lovely.

lya baratheon, intended bride of prince duncan.

perianne moore, companion of princess saera targaryen.


during the period of time leading up to, and immediately following
the civil war known as the dance of dragons

aeron targaryen, prince cartographer, born of viserys i.

alicent hightower, the green queen of house hightower.

daemon targaryen, the rogue prince & the second son.

gannica grimm, a suggested bride of king aegon iii.

helaena targaryen, daughter, wife & mother of kings.

laegon targaryen, son of prince daemon & lady laena.

rhaenyra targaryen, princess & heir to the seven kingdoms.

vaelaerys targaryen, a disregarded targaryen.

roberts rebellion

during the period of time the directly precedes and includes the rebellion against house targaryen; see a game of thrones for characters who survived this period.

ashara dayne, lady of starfall, the purple-eyed maid.

robert baratheon, the demon of the trident, king of westeros.

tyla hill, bastard daughter of house lorch's violence.

the game of thrones

during the period of time surrounding the war of five kings,
after the death of king robert baratheon.

daenerys targaryen, breaker of chains & mother of dragons.

däthedr xo joraq, prince of sweet lotus vale; summer isles.

edric storm, sole recognised bastard of robert baratheon.

elinor tyrell, a cousin & lady-in-waiting of Lady Margaery.

irri, dothraki handmaiden, loyal to khaleesi daenerys.

khal drogo, leader of the greatest dothraki khalasar.

jon snow, lord commander, king crow & king in the north.

josera snow, Bastard son of Lord Gregor Forrester, a Warg.

margaery tyrell, Daughter of Highgarden, the Little Queen.

rodrik forrester, lord of ironwrath, Rodrik the Ruin.

sansa stark, eldest lady of winterfell & the north's queen.

sylva santagar, spotted sylva, companion of arianne.

sym botley, thirdborn of lordsport & tenured captain.

taena merryweather, of myr, a friend & lover of cersei.

torgha flint, the twice-flint, widow of the red wedding.

vik redwyne, removed tyrell kin & guard of lord redwyne.


these characters are not bound to any particular
period of asoiaf history

chatana qo, princess of sweet lotus vale, the arrow of jhahar.

daerax, of old valyria, member of the sacred dragonkeepers.

esryia of lys, the chain mother, noble daughter of lys.

regnarra drumm, elected ritual executioner of old wyk.

vida waters, travelling apothecary, valyrian heritage.

I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it.

namerobert i baratheonagemid-20s - 30s
pronounshe / himlocationthe red keep,
prev. storms end
affiliationhouse baratheon,
the kingdom
titleking of the iron throne,
lord of the seven kingdoms,
+ see formal title
occupationking of westerosfaceclaimalexander dreymon

 about  the seventeenth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the first king of the Baratheon dynasty. Robert, a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion, which began when the Prince of Dragonstone, Rhaegar Targaryen, allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. After the war and following Lyanna's death, Robert married Cersei Lannister to cement an alliance with House Lannister to hold the kingdoms together.
 date of birth : 7th Day, 5th Moon, 262 AC.                              kings: aerys II, himself

  formal title   Robert Baratheon the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing.

  other titles   ser, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands (granted to Stannis, later Renly), Lord of Storm's End (granted to Stannis, later Renly).     He was dubbed the Demon of the Trident due to his fighting prowess, while those that opposed his ascension to the Iron Throne referred to him as the Usurper.

  • height : 6' 4"

  • eye color : bright, baratheon blue

  • hair colour : black, an undertone of deep brown under sunlight

  • colours : sky blue, warm brown, yellow gold, amber & ruby red

  • accessories : a spiked iron warhammer, crafted at storms end

  • crown : large, made of gold, incorporating amber gemstones; stag-based imagery, appearing to have been made out of antlers.

  • languages : the common tongue

  • strengths: brave, generous, loyal, strong, charming, passionate, fearless, outspoken, determined, commanding, charismatic.

  • weaknesses: headstrong, rash, impatient, hedonistic, promiscuous, brash, reckless, stubborn, explosive, violent.

  other  Taurus Sun + scorpio Moon + sagittarius Rising.   ESFP-A ; The Assertive Entertainer.   7w6 + The Pathfinding Adventurer.    Sanguine-Choleric   &   Chaotic Good.

 biography  Born in 262 AC, Robert was the first born child of Cassana Estermont and Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and head of House Baratheon. He was a scant year older than his brother, Stannis, who was born in 264 AC, though already in his teens, his youngest brother and lastborn sibling, Renly, was born. he was not close with his youngest sibling, nor his middle sibling in truth, as from an early age onwards, Robert had been fostered by Lord Jon Arryn at the Eyrie in the Vale of Arryn, together with Eddard 'Ned' Stark of Winterfell.    The two boys became fast friends, and Jon Arryn, who had no children of his own, became like a second father to both himself and ned. Whilst Robert visited Storm's End on multiple occasions, he never boasted of closeness to his brothers. Until the end of his days, Robert would regard Ned Stark as his brother, not by blood, but by bond.After reaching manhood, Robert divided his time between Storm's End and the Eyrie, he had also been knighted. Fond of hawking, Robert had a gyrfalcon named Thunderclap who never missed her strike, and well loved by soldiers. Robert is as strong as a bull and fearless in battle. He loves the song of swords, though preferably wields his spiked warhammer, and considers poison to be a coward's weapon.     robert became lord of storms end when, in 278 AC, Robert's father was sent on a mission by King Aerys, to travel to Volantis to find a bride for Robert's cousin, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Robert and Stannis watched from the parapet as their parents' ship, Windproud, sank in a storm in Shipbreaker Bay as they neared home.Robert fell in love with Lyanna Stark, his fostered brother Ned's younger sister, and time, Lyanna's father, Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell, agreed to betroth her to Robert. In 281 AC, Robert was present at the tourney at Harrenhal, where his cousin prince rhaegar targaryen — wed to elia martell — dubbed, not his wife, but roberts betrothed, lyanna, as queen of love and beauty.     whilst robert, at the time, said offhandedly that it was only right as lyanna was the most beautiful maid there... in time the sting of the insult (not only felt by him) hardened him against his cousin.   Eddard Stark would later recall the tourney at harrenhal as "the moment when all smiles died."years later, this event would likely be where the seed of his mad hatred of house targaryen began to take root — later in life, mere mentions of house targaryen were alleged to send him into fits of ranting rage.      the next year, news spread of how Prince Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, and this set in motion a chain of events leading to Robert's Rebellion. It lasted close to a year and resulted in the end of the Targaryen dynasty in the Seven Kingdoms, the death of lyanna stark, and himself atop the iron throne.

hatred of house targaryen : as depicted, robert has a 'mad hatred' of the targaryens. this is particularly evident in his comment of "I see no babes, only dragonspawn" when presented with the dead bodies of the children of rhaegar and elia martell; Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon.    he, at the time, was clouded by rage and later, privately, robert would struggle deeply with his reaction and praise of the slaughter of the children. it had never been in him to wish the death of innocents. the images of the bodies of the children would haunt him for several years.      introspection has never been his strong suit, but robert — in some ways — suffers from self hatred. the idea of his couain rhaegar, the picture of targaryen royalty, sweeping lyanna away from him, caused great turmoil in him and seeded the root of the visceral hatred that claims him.

portrayal age : my robert spans the general rebellion and his very early years as king, i am not portraying robert in the game of thrones era.

canon divergencies : alcohol abuse. — whilst he will use alcohol as a coping mechanism, my robert depiction is that he does not start heavily drinking / becoming drunkenly abusive until later in his reign.

Aegon the Conqueror brought fire and blood to Westeros, but afterward he gave them peace, prosperity, and justice.

nameaegon i targaryenage25 - late 30s
pronounshe / himlocationdragonstone,
the aegonfort
affiliationhouse targaryen,
the realm
titlelord, king of the
seven kingdoms
occupationthe first king
of westeros
faceclaimandy whitfield
alt: liam mcintyre

 about  Aegon I Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon, was the secondborn child of dragonstone and became the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms at the age of twenty-seven, & king on the Iron Throne, having claimed six of the Seven Kingdoms during his conquest.   aegon the dragonlord, and his sister-wives visenya & rhaenys, were the founders of the ruling Targaryen dynasty of Westeros.
 date of birth : 31st Day, 3rd Moon, 27 BC.    kings: himself; the conqueror

  formal title   Aegon of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of All Westeros and The Shield of His People, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

  dragon rider   balerion, a he-drake with scales and wings of black, his fire was black, with swirls of red. Balerion's wingspan was so that his shadow could engulf entire towns when he passed overhead. He was called the Black Dread.

  • height : 5' 11"

  • eye colour : deep, lavender purple

  • hair colour : short & silvery, longer during the conquest

  • piercings : three on his upper right ear; himself and his sister-wives

  • colours : dragonglass black, ruby red, shadow grey, white gold

  • accessories : the hand-and-a-half valyrian longsword blackfyre

  • crown : circlet of valyrian steel, set with big square-cut rubies

  • languages : high valyrian, the common tongue, old ghiscari, pentoshi & tyroshi valyrian

  • strengths: meticulous, empathetic, dedicated, honourable, eloquent, commanding, charismatic, passionate & strategic

  • weaknesses: judgemental, stubborn, self-righteous, introverted, obsessive, critical, motivated by personal values & inflexible.

  other  Aries Sun + Scorpio Moon + Taurus Rising.   ENTJ-A ; The Assertive Visionary.   1w9 + The Activist Idealist.    Phlegmatic   &   Lawful Good vs. Chaotic Good.

 biography  Aegon was born on Dragonstone in 27BC to Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. Before him came his older sister, Visenya, and then a younger sister, Rhaenys. In youth, he was trained by Master at Arms Quenton Qoherys, and showed promise as a great warrior. He and Visenya were particularly diligent in their training, and they were evenly matched as sparring partners.      According to Valyrian and Targaryen tradition, Aegon married within the family; however, instead of taking only one sister to wife, as had been common, he married both of them.Whilst he loved them both, a truer kind of love had developed between himself and Rhaenys, so he declared he would take them both as wives... Visenya out of duty —because as his elder sister he needed to wed her to secure his succession — and he married Rhaenys out of love.     Upon his fathers death, he succeded Aerion as Lord of Dragonstone, and so when Pentos and Tyrosh asked Aegon for his aid in their struggle against Volantis, Aegon flew to Pentos atop Balerion to meet with the Prince of Pentos and the city's magisters. Aegon next flew to Lys, where he burned a Volantene fleet before it could attempt to invade the city.As the Century of Blood came to an end, Aegon's interest in Westeros grew; he had previously visited the Citadel of Oldtown and the Arbor in the Kingdom of the Reach with his elder sister. He shortly thereafter commissioned the Painted Table, however, as Aegon believed it should be one realm, no boarders were placed — and it was there where Aegon the Conqueror planned his invasion of Westeros.The Conquest was set in motion when The Storm King, Argilac Durrandon, reached out to Aegon, proposing a marriage between himself and his heir, Princess Argella Durrandon. Aegon refused, saying he did not need a third wife, and instead offered his close friend and rumoured bastard half-brother, Orys Baratheon. An insulted, Argilac cut off the hands of Aegon's envoy and sent those back to Dragonstone, upon which Aegon called his wives and councilors together. After six days of consulting, Aegon sent forth ravens to every lord in Westeros, declaring his claim to the throne. Aegon landed upon Balerion, with Visenya upon Vhagar and Rhaenys upon Meraxes, and his army on the eastern coast of Westeros at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, where he constructed the wooden Aegonfort — The Conquest began.

A true king, blood of Aegon the Conqueror, who was my brother, my husband, and my love. If any man questions my son's right to the Iron Throne, let him prove his claim with his body.

namevisenya i targaryenage25 - late 30s
pronounsshe / herlocationdragonstone,
the aegonfort
affiliationhouse targaryen,
the realm
titlelady, queen-consort of
the seven kingdoms
of westeros
faceclaimcynthia addai-robinson

 about  Queen Visenya Targaryen was the older sister and wife of King Aegon I Targaryen, the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Her younger sister, Rhaenys, was married to Aegon as well. Visenya was a dragonrider, and rode the dragon Vhagar.   the once-lady of dragonstone, and her siblings aegon & rhaenys, were the founders of the ruling Targaryen dynasty of Westeros.
 date of birth : 16th Day, 9th Moon, 29 BC.                   kings: aegon i, aenys i, maegor i

  titles   lady of dragonstone (pre-conquest), queen of the seven kingdoms (as consort to aegon), and finally as dowager queen or queen mother after the death of her husband, king aegon i.
  trirachy   she is the eldest of the targaryen royal triarchy, wedded to her brother aegon i, & shares the title of queen-consort with her sister-wife rhaenys i.
  dragon rider   vhagar, a she-dragon who had hatched in 52BC during The Century of Blood and named after a god of the Valyrian Freehold; bronze with greenish-blue highlights throughout and bright green eyes.

  sorceress   From a young age, Visenya's mother Lady Valaena velaryon instructed her eldest daughter in the discrete, terrifying arts of magic, dark sorceries and poisons. This is a skill that had been passed down from Visenya's grandmother. whilst Visenya has never accessed the ability known as Dragon Dreaming (a skill her younger sister, and even her brother aegon are believed to have been born with), visenya finds herself deeply aligned with, and adept in, the arts of Blood Magic.

  • height : 5' 7.5"

  • eye colour : hard lavender purple

  • hair colour : deep brown

  • styles : fulani braids, thick-rowed braids with an accented ponytail, knotless braids & crownrows (particularly in youth), & halo braids (ceremonial, queen regent)

  • accessories : the slender valyrian longsword dark sister, always at her side when in armour

  • languages, hobby : visenya enjoys the acquisition of language, by the end of her life she will have mastered almost a dozen tongues.

  • strengths: passionate, intelligent, dedicated, tenacious, sensual, observant, confident, loyal, perceptive, brave, fierce

  • weaknesses: unforgiving, vengeful, ruthless, emotionally reserved & hardened, domineering, frightening / intimidating.

  other  Vrigo Sun + Gemini Moon + Cancer Rising.   ESFJ-T; The Turbulent Consul.  5w4 + The Thinking Philosopher. Chloreic & Lawful Neutral.

 biography  Born in 29 BC on the island Dragonstone, Visenya was the eldest child of Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. She has two younger siblings, Aegon and Rhaenys, who were born within a few years following her. She was also the first of her siblings to bond with a dragon; the mighty dragon Vhagar. From a young age, Visenya trained together with Aegon at arms, and she became a skilled warrior, the two eldest also visited the Citadel of Oldtown and Lord Redwyne of the Arbor in their younger years.Like her siblings, Visenya possessed many of the classical Valyrian features, her eyes a shockingly deep violet, she inherited the rich dark hair and Velaryon heritage of her mother — Lady Valaena Velaryon — which she preferably wears in locks locs, (or thickly braided as an alternative), and then binds up in rings when not left flowing natural. With the exception of flights upon Vhagar and in battle, wherein she always bound it up in braids and coils for protection (and intimidation).     By the time she was in her early maidenhood, rumours began to circulate that Visenya dabbled in dark sorceries and played with poisons. Though never confirmed, it was in fact Lady Valaena who taught her eldest daughter these arts... a skill that had been passed down from her mother, Visenya's grandmother, Vhaenyra Targaryen.Visenya was both a dragonrider and a warrior, comfortable in both silk and in ringmail. When garbed as a warrior, she always wielded the Valyrian steel longsword Dark Sister at her side and was said to be deadly when wielding it. Overall, Visenya's is a harsher, more austere beauty than that of her younger her sister, Rhaenys. She is a sensual, and passionate woman to those who know her, yet recognised equally stern, serious & unforgiving.Visenya proved herself a fierce and vicious war commander during The Conquest. When blood was not a reasonable option, Visenya targeted the heart; such as with House Arryn — wherein she bypassed the hosts' armies and flew up to the Eyrie's courtyard.     By the time The Vale's Queen Regent Sharra Arryn arrived, she found her delighted son, the boy-King Ronnel, sitting upon the lap of Visenya as she promised him a ride upon her dragon... and, so, the Vale bent the knee. Of course, some believe there is more to the tale, that one queen seduced the other... though even the whisperers of these rumours are divided on which queen is which in the tale..

Heavily affiliated & exclusive with Velcryons depiction of Lady Valaena Velaryon, her canon mother. Most non-canon or expanded lore / headcanons are either created solely by (linked), or made in collaboration with, Els.

You may take my castle, ser, but you will win only bones and blood and ashes — and i swear to you, the ghosts of the storm kingdom will haunt you and yours forever more.

agemid - late 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationstorms end
affiliationhouse durrandon,
house baratheon
titlestorm queen &
princess, lady of
house baratheon
occupationruling lady of
house baratheon
faceclaimgemma arterton

 about  ??.
 date of birth : 1st Day, 2nd Moon, 18BC.  kings: storm king argilac, aegon the conqueror

  • height : 5' 11"

  • eye colour : deep, lavender purple

  • hair colour : short & silvery, longer during the conquest

  • piercings : three on his upper right ear; himself and his sister-wives

  • colours : dragonglass black, ruby red, shadow grey, white gold

  • accessories : the hand-and-a-half valyrian longsword blackfyre

  • crown : circlet of valyrian steel, set with big square-cut rubies

  • languages : high valyrian, the common tongue, old ghiscari, pentoshi & tyroshi valyrian

  • strengths: confident, great willpower, a natural leader, adaptable, determined, intelligent, commanding, proud & self-assured.

  • weaknesses: reckless, violent-tempered, dogmatic, arrogant, unforgiving, & known to hold a grudge.

  other  Aries Sun + Scorpio Moon + Taurus Rising.   ENTJ-A ; The Assertive Visionary.   1w9 + The Activist Idealist.    Phlegmatic   &   Lawful Good vs. Chaotic Good.

 biography  Princess Argella Durrandon was the daughter and only child of Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King. Her father feared of the threat of Harren Hoare, the King of the Isles and the Rivers, and so reached out to Aegon Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone, offering the hand of his only daughter, then-eighteen year old Argella, with all the lands east of the Gods Eye; from the Trident to the Blackwater Rush as her dowry. Lord Aegon rejected the offer, as he had two wives already and did not need a third, and offered a counter proposal — those lands plus Massey's Hook, the lands from the Blackwater south to the river Wendwater, and the headwaters of the Mander. The pact would be sealed with the marriage of Argella to Orys Baratheon, Lord Aegon's childhood friend and champion.King Argilac angrily rejected the terms, as Orys was rumored to be Aegon's bastard half-brother; he had the hands of Aegon's envoy cut off and returned to him in a box, with the message, "These are the only hands your bastard shall have of me." This action spurred the start of Aegon Targaryen's War of Conquest, wherein Aegon announced that he would be the only king of the Seven Kingdoms.     In recompense for the actions taken by Argella's father, now-Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, and now-Hand of the King, Orys Baratheon, were sent to take Storm's End. In the battle called the Last Storm, Orys slew Argilac Durrandon in single combat; subsequently the remaining stormlander army fled. As Orys bore down upon Storms End with the Targaryen host, Argella barred the gates of Storm's End, enraged and grieving, and declared herself Storm Queen, announcing that the defenders of Storm's End would die to the last man.Argella, now referred to as Argella the Ambitious, was betrayed by her garrison who feared sharing the fate of House Hoare and Harrenhal. They revolted, raising a peace banner, and Argella's wrath was unrelenting, and her forcefully garrison took her captive. She was delivered Orys's camp... gagged, chained, and naked, and enraged by the betrayal Argella was not quietened in defeat. She raged against her restraints, ripping her own skin on the chains — bloodied and feral, some described her as.Orys shocked her (and others) by not treating the young woman as a traitor, nor prisoner of war. He removed the chains with his own hands, wrapped his cloak around her, and gave her food and wine. He spoke to her gently, telling her of her father Argilac's courage in death; earning her respect, and eventual trust. King Aegon rewarded Orys Baratheon with Storm's End, the rule of the Stormlands, and Argella, who did not protest as her father had. Upon their union Orys further surprised her by honouring her late father's valour, he adopted the sigil and words of the now extinct House Durrandon as his own; creating House Baratheon of Storms End.

Memories of ancient wrongs and bygone betrayals were not oft put aside by the lords of the Trident, whose enmities ran as deep as the rivers that watered their lands.

nameedmyn tullyagemid-20s - 30s
pronounshe / himlocationthe riverlands
affiliationhouse tully, the
riverlords & the crown
titlelord, hand of
the king
occupationlord paramount of the trident,
& hand of the king (7AC - 9AC)
faceclaimleo suter

 about  the Lord of Riverrun and the head of House Tully during Aegon's Conquest. The first of the riverlords to join Aegon the Conqueror against King Harren Hoare, Aegon rewarded Edmyn by raising him to Lord Paramount of the Trident.    Edmyn helped repair damage done to the riverlands by Harren the Black, served as Hand of the King to King Aegon I, and had three daughters, one of whom married Quenton Qoherys, Lord of Harrenhal.
 date of birth : 7th Day, 8th Moon, 21BC.        kings: black harren hoare, aegon i, aenys ii

  scars   many small-medium battle scars, notably a jagged puncture scar on his right shoulder from a crossbow bolt. edmyn has nerve damage and some loss of sensation from the crossbow injury; a similar wound claimed his father.

  hand of the king   Edmyn held the office of under King Aegon I Targaryen, from 7AC - 9AC. Having deciding that his children had more need of him than the realm, he requested leave to return to his family at Riverrun and resigned from the office.

  • height : 6' 1"

  • eye colour : honey-brown

  • hair colour : brown, auburn undertone particular in beard

  • piercings : upper left ear, a simple steel ring

  • accessories : a weather-treated cloak, fur collar, with iron links

  • colours : river rock grey, iron grey, salmon red, earthen brown

  • pets : the hounds arrow & amber, hunting dogs, companions, and the guard dogs of his daughters.

  • strengths: astute, intelligent, sensitive, fierce, protective, charismatic, passionate, strategic, fearless, brave & loyal

  • weaknesses: reckless, jaded, bitter through loss and grief, prone to bouts of suspicion / wary.

  other  Leo Sun + Pisces Moon + Virgo Rising.   INTJ-T; The Turbulent Architect.   7w8 + The Adventurer Opportunist.    Melancholic    &    Chaotic Good — True Neutral.

 biography  Lord Edmyn Tully's succession to the head of his house was unlikely; as the firstborn son of the third-born son (his father, Gedwyn Tully). Lord Tomm Tully, his uncle, was the head of House Tully, with Edmyn's father as his right hand. During Harren the Black's reign, he inflicted poverty upon the Riverlands and the Iron Islands; many riots came as a consequence. One claimed both his cousins, and the grief shortly thereafter claimed his aunt.      When his father Gedwyn (who had become his elder brother's heir), was struck by an arrow and the wound turned septic, Edmyn Tully was called by his uncle, now a widower and childless, and named his formal heir.A handful of years passed, and after losing first his father and then uncle, Edmyn was named Lord of Riverrun. In the handful of years between his ascension and before the beginning of Aegon's Conquest, Edmyn married his bride, Lady Alys Blackwood, and fathered his first daughter, Madelyn Tully. At the outset of Aegon's Conquest, Edmyn is the well-established Head of House Tully.When Aegon I Targaryen began his conquest of Westeros, King Harren the Black — harren hoare, the reigning King of the Isles and the Rivers, had reduced nobles and commonfolk alike to poverty to create his grand seat at Harrenhal and was hated by most, if not all of his peoples. None the less, he summoned the riverlords to the defence of Harrenhal, the very symbol of his avarice.     Edmyn Tully was the first of the riverlords to abandon their black-hearted ruler, he join his men to Aegon's fight against the Ironborn. The Riverlords followed suit; choosing their new leader.Once the castle of Harrenhal was surrounded by the comprised forces of Aegon's and Riverlords following Edwyn, Black Harren's final slight against House Tully was to offer Edwyn's eldest daughter, the young Madelyn Tully to any man who could slay Aegon's dragon; the Black Dread, yet despite his threats, Harren and his line perished; the Riverlands finally breathed a sigh of relief.   As a reward for his loyalty and his efforts, Aegon I Targaryen named him, Lord Edmyn Tully, as Lord Paramount of the Riverlands and The Trident.     After the conclusion of Aegon's Conquest, in the year 7AC he would be requested to take position as Hand of the King, joining The Conqueror King, his Queens, dragons, and small council in The Aegonfort.

 v: hand of the king, lord of rivers 
After leading the revolt of the Riverlands, Edmyn has been named Lord Paramount of The Trident by King Aegon The Conqueror. He is desperately, but quietly, searching to create a family, having lost far too many in the recent years, and having no kin at his side. However, The Riverlands is in need of deep healing after the destructive greed of Black Harren, and Edmyn knows he has a large task ahead of him to restore peace in his region. in later years, he relocates to the aegonfort as the hand of the king, before retiring from the office two years after this, as the riverlands had more need of him than the realm.

 v: widower of riverrun 
Edmyn remains in good favour and a friend to King Aegon I Targaryen, despite stepping down as his Hand. Edmyn has returned to riverrun to tend to his family and raise his daughters, now a widower with three young girls, including a newborn infant. Going forward he will be looking for a new bride, particularly because his daughters are young and need a mother and to ensure that House Tully has a male heir, fearing some sort of revenge for his leading of the uprising against the late King Harren the Black and his line.

One word love: curiosity. You long for freedom. You long to do what you want to do because you want it. To act on selfish impulse. You want to see what it's like. One day you won't be able to resist.

namesargasana saanageearly-mid 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationlys, sailing
affiliationthe saan family,
& the pirate kings
pirate captain
occupationa pirate chieftainessfaceclaimsophia brown

 about  Sargasana is closely in line in both reputation and by blood to inherit the title of Pirate King from her father Sargoso Saan, she is amongst the finest of her generation of Saan's. The vessels under her command are six ships strong, and she has a growing wealth to her name as she plans to expand her fleet and her renown. She has an unyielding dislike for the Westerosi — but she is wise enough to not trifle too closely with those who ride dragons. Sargasana focusses the majority of her attention outside of the boundaries of Westerosi, but flirts the line occasionally.
 date of birth : 4th Day, 8th Moon, 3 BC.    kings: aegon i, aenys i, maegor i & jaehaerys i

  ears   Some years ago she decided, drunkenly, to slice the upper cartilage of her ears and sew them into points; fully embracing to her pirating alias "the obsidian witch".
  tattoos   approximately ten or twelve, all acquired from visiting various cultures; a record of places she has travelled.

  pirate chieftainness   Her main ship is The Obsidian Queen, her fleet includes five additional ships; Sea Whip, West Maiden, The Lysene Witch, Xorhen's Pride, and Swiftfell. She is the daughter of a Lysene pirate king, and claimed the title Chieftainess as 'princess' seemed too delicate.

  • height : 5' 8"

  • eye colour : almost coal black

  • hair colour : black-brown with streaks of sandy yellow, locs

  • scars : many, mainly through a lifetime of sailing & piracy

  • piercings : numerous in her ears

  • colours : red clay, damp sand, iron grey & flint / obsidian black

  • accessories : she wears numerous fine rings on her fingers, adorned with large gems. they also function as a fighting weapon.

  • languages : lysene, high valyrian, common tongue & several others

  • strengths: courageous, flamboyant, open-minded, strategic, perceptive, commanding, charismatic, honest & resourceful

  • weaknesses: greedy, lustful, vengeful, remorseless, wild, reckless, harsh & hardened.

  other  Leo Sun + Scorpio Moon + Sagittarius Rising.   ISFP-A; The Assertive Adventurer.   5w6 + The Troubleshooting Thinker.    Sanguine — Choleric   &   Chaotic Good.

 biography  The favoured daughter of the Lysene Pirate King Sargoso Saan, she was born to one of his wives, Xan Q'onra, who hailed from the Summer Isles and had been a sailor in her own right. she, like all her near-dozen siblings, were born aboard a ship — sargasana came into the world on sargoso's second ship, the valyrian king. Of her fathers children, Sargasana has met a handful, and only four others have gone on to become successful pirates. Sargasana was raised on the various ships of her father's fleet, and trained as a pirate from youth. Sargasana pirated her first ship at fourteen, she set up a bank account with the Iron Bank of Braavos in the following years to store part of her wealth. Sargasana herself joined her father in several acts of piracy against larger fleets, widening her own acclaim and renown in the Saan family.Sargasana renamed her ship The Obsidian Queen, around the same time she got drunk one night with her crew and sliced her cartilage and turned her ears into points.     As she acquired her own fleet slowly but surely, the nickname The Obsidian Witch suck to Sargasana also, with several dedicated followers and accolades from her father. She freely admits she is not the level of priate her father is, and has an enduring respect for him; they don't have constant communication but that is often the nature of piracy.Sargasana was relatively young when the Conquest of Westeros began, lead by Visenya, Aegon & Rhaenys of the Valyrian house Targaryen in Westeros, however the resulting war and chaos was quite fruitful for the Saan family.     In 29 AC and again 30 AC, when Hand of the Conqueror Ser Osmund Strong and their Master of Ships Lord Aethan Velaryon, were sent to kill the Pirate King & drive out the "scourge" of piracy Sargasana was involved in the efforts against the Westerosi forces, as were many of the Saan family. They met in clashes & campaigns in the Stepstones, but attempts by the Westerosi to snuff out the Pirate Lords failed. the Saan family, and their piracy, continued to endure, much to the ire of any in their path.        legacy  The Saan Family is a Lysene line of Valyrian descendants that has produced a number of famous pirates over the centuries.    Come the time of The War of Five Kings in 300AC, the Saans will have been distinguished pirate-lords for at least three centuries, dating back Sargasana's great-grandfather; the famed Pirate King Sargor Saan.

Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born.

namejon snowageearly-mid 20s
pronounshe / himlocationthe north
affiliationthe nights watch,
house stark
titlesteward, lord
occupationlord commander,
northen warrior
faceclaimkit harrington

 about  presented as the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark & raised alongside Eddard's lawful children at Winterfell, and unaware of the identity of his mother. At the age of fourteen, Jon joins the Night's Watch, where he earns the nickname Lord Snow. he becomes an ally of the free folk, enemy of night king, & lord commander of the watch.
 date of birth : 9th Day, 8th Moon, 280AC.      kings: aerys ii, robert, war of five kings.

  scars   he acquires many through his time in the Night's Watch, mainly around his knuckles, arms, & back. several arrow wounds on his back and shoulder, & keloid scars on his chest after being stabbed multiple times in the watch mutiny.

  parentage   his assumed mother is Wylla, a wet-nurse of house dayne, or the lady Ashara Dayne. regardless, eddard stark has claimed jon as his bastard son.              R=L=J theory.

  • height : 5' 10"

  • eye colour : deep grey

  • hair colour : rich, dark brown

  • clothing : nights watch colours, fur-lined winter cloak, later wears the sigil of house stark.

  • piercings : none

  • colours : black, charcoal, slate grey, deep blue, earthen brown

  • accessories : the valyrian steel blade of house mormont; longclaw, gifted to him by lord commander jeor mormont.

  • strengths: adaptable, progressive, dependable, protective, driven, good-natured, resourceful, compassionate & witty.

  • weaknesses: fear of rejection, argumentative, defiant, capable of great rage, stubborn, jaded & stoic

  other  Leo Sun + Aquarius Moon + Taurus Rising.   ISFP-A; The Assertive Adventurer.   9w8 + The Peacekeeping Advisor.   Melancholic — Phlegmatic   &   Lawful Good — Neutral Good.

 biography  Jon is the presumed, and assumed, bastard of Lord Eddard Stark, the Warden of the North. Jon is unaware of his mother's identity and Ned refuses to speak of her. He was born during Roberts Rebellion, and when Eddard returned from the war, he brought the newborn Jon to Winterfell and insisted on raising him with the rest of his family. Jon and his half-siblings grew close, whilst his fathers lady wife Catelyn Tully took offence to his presence, remaining indifferent.      He was tutored, including learning sums and astronomy, and was trained at arms by the master-at-arms of since he was old enough to walk, together with Robb Stark, whom he came to view as his best friend, rival and constant companion, his other kin (and assumed half-siblings) are the younger Lady Sansa Stark, Lord Bran Stark, Lady Arya stark (whom he is closest to, second to Robb), and young Lord Rickon Stark. When the true children of Winterfell are each gifted a direwolf pup from an orphaned litter discovered by Robb and himself; Jon comes across an albino runt cast from the litter, claiming it as his own; Ghost.When Lord Eddard decides to accept the position as Hand of the King at King's Landing under his old friend King Robert Baratheon, Lady Catelyn refuses to allow Jon to remain at Winterfell while Eddard is away. Jon had expressed an interest in joining The Night's Watch, joining his uncle Benjen Stark, and with Catelyn's ultimatum, Jon was allowed (sent) to the join The Night's Watch.       At Castle Black, Jon's expectations of the Night's Watch are soon dashed, realising the Watch is a dumping ground for criminals and wastrels. He earns the enmity of Ser Alliser Thorne, the master-at-arms, as Jon humiliates his fellow recruits with his superior fighting skills.     Jon is inducted, and swears his oath before a weirwood Heart Tree, though he is assigned to the stewards under Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Ignorant to the goings on in Kings Landing, news arrives of Ned Stark's imprisonment and King Roberts death, causing him to question his vows. When news of his father's execution reaches Castle Black, he immediately leaves, meaning to join Robb and seek vengeance for his father's death. His brothers in black convince him to stay; and he upholds his oath and the promise he made to his father.Remaining in The Watch, he is confronted with the realities of the dangers Beyond the Wall, in beholding the corpse of a man resurrect, and the mutiny lead against Lord Commander Mormont at Crastors Keep. Jon subsequently infiltrated the wildling army of Mance Rayder to learn their plans, led a mission to capture or kill the mutineers who murdered Jeor Mormont, and was elected 998th Lord Commander of The Night's Watch. As a result of several controversial decisions, such as allowing the wildlings to settle south of the Wall, noting that any one North of the Wall could become fodder for the Night King's army, he is attacked in a mutiny led by Ser Alliser Thorne.       Though Jon, survives and the mutineers are hung, he declares him vows fulfilled; having all but died in the course of his duties. He passes the title of Lord Commander, and departs Castle Black to aid his half-sister Lady Sansa Stark in reclaiming Winterfell — "& now my watch has ended."

 v: king in the north 
With some urging from Sansa to rally the Northern Houses still loyal to the Starks, Jon, aided by the Wildlings, resolves to reclaim Winterfell. The battle ultimately leads to the extinction of the House by the execution of Ramsay Bolton by Sansa; restoring House Stark's hold on Winterfell and dominion over the North.    Later, debates what to do next lead to cries for Jon to lead them; all of the gathered lords of the North and the Vale draw and raise their swords and hail Jon as the new King in the North. Jon calls the Northern lords to council, and informs them the discovery of dragonglass, and Daenerys's invitation to treat, telling them that he has decided to accept. Whilst absent from Winterfell, Jon names Sansa as regent.

 v: winter has come 
With the announcement from the Citadel that the Long Summer is finally at an end, now-King Jon has parlayed an alliance with Queen-Claimant Daenerys Targaryen, after conveying the terror of the imposing threat of The Great War, the mining of dragonglass is proceeding as Jon debates which path to take with the Silver Queen, who does not intend to rule over only six kingdoms. He has yet to make a decision on whether to enter the North in the war between the Lannister and Targaryen Queens, and knows that his region does not intend to renounce what they fought so hard to reclaim, nor does he intend to place a ruler over the Free Folk; but also knowing that in remaining neutral it will be perceived as rebellion by Daenerys.

 au: house of quiet 
Jon was one of the slaves purchased by the sellsword Quenton Qoherys. he was slated to be sent to the fighting pits, and had no training at the time, he entered the House of Quiet as a slave, but was met with a different reality. The House itself functioned like combat school, and at least two dozen other men residing there. offered two choices: he was to train, & from then on, he could repay the cost of his buying price, and purchase any of the armour and weapons he wished to take with him; walk free with a skillset to life a life outside of slavery. The option Jon, and most others elected, was to stay on, be branded with the mark of the Brotherhood, a free men in The Quiet Lament. this au linked with quenton, osmund & theo

The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea. Any sea. They did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms & I will.

namedaenerys targaryenageearly-mid 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationessos,
affiliationherself, her
titlenoble lady,
+ see below
occupationa royal conqueressfaceclaimemilia clarke

 about  Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn was the only daughter of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella. she and her brother viserys, the last of their line, were sent as children into safe exile in the free cities of essos. after her marriage to khal Drogo she gathered the confidence of his khalasar, her dragons hatched & she expanded her dominion into Essos, gaining the loyalty of an army of Unsullied and liberating Slaver's Bay from the Ghiscari slave masters.
    date of birth : 18th Day, 3rd Moon, 281AC.     kings: aerys ii, robert i, war of five kings.

  formal title   Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.
  hair styling   As she progresses in her life she begins to favour statement, intricate braiding; she often wears silver bells in her braided hair per Dothraki custom, one for each of her victories. She will most often wear it half-up with the rest left to fall about her shoulders and down her back.
  scars   Her hands & inner thighs have faded scarring from horse riding for lengthy periods without padding.

  dragons   drogon, rhaegal & viserion; a gift from Illyrio monpatis, she receives three petrified dragon eggs. after the death of her husband khal drogo, she steps into his funeral pyre with the eggs, swallowed by flames. the following morning she reveals herself and newly-hatched dragons, the first three dragons in the world in a century & a half.
  cultures   She was raised, exposed to, lived, or married within many cultures. Such as; Valyrian, Dothraki, the essosi free cities, Meereenese & Westerosi.

  • height : 5' 7"

  • eye colour : crystalline violet

  • hair colour : pale silver-gold

  • clothing : many styles, favouring the free cities, accented with fine & durable metal armour

  • languages : high valyrian, the common tongue, bastard valyrian of the free cities & dothraki

  • piercings : none, they irritate her

  • colours : ivory and bone, soft yellow gold, soft blue, flame red

  • accessories : her attire stylistically bears homage to house targaryen & her dragons

  • strengths: honourable, compassionate, dedicated, strong-willed, concise, empathetic, adaptable, self-assured & good-hearted

  • weaknesses: unforgiving, morally rigorous, warped perspective, paranoid, obsessive & arrogant

  other  pisces Sun + aries Moon + cancer Rising.   INFJ-T; The Turbulent Advocate.   1w2 + The Activist Idealist.    Melancholic - Choleric    &    Chaotic Good - Neutral Good.

 biography  Daenerys is the youngest child Aerys and Rhaella, and was conceived during Robert's Rebellion. She was born while a great storm raged above Dragonstone; for this reason she is known as Daenerys Stormborn. Her only remaining sibling, Viserys, a little boy at that time, was crowned king on Dragonstone by their mother before her death birthing Daenerys, and so the newborn girl received the title Princess of Dragonstone.
Loyalists rescued the orphaned children and smuggled them to safety in exile, in the Free City of Braavos. Daenerys grew up terrified of and abused by her brother Viserys, who grew bitterly obsessed with the Iron Throne; he openly blamed Daenerys for their mothers death, and frequently warned her not to "wake the dragon" by angering him.      However, she also has fond memories of her brother; he'd let her crawl into bed with him and told her stories about the Seven Kingdoms, their family, their history, their dragons, the Usurper Robert Baratheon and his Rebellion.
Struggling to gain support for Viserys' claim in Westeroa, Daenerys and Viserys had to sell their last few treasures, and eventually, their mother's crown. In 297 AC, Viserys and Daenerys were taken in by Magister Illyrio Mopatis in the Free City of Pentos, who offered his help in reclaiming the Iron Throne for Viserys. They lived with Illyrio for almost half a year, before Illyrio arranged a marriage between the powerful Dothraki Warlord Khal Drogo. She would be given as a bride in return for the promise of an army for Viserys to conquer the Iron Throne. She begged not to be wed, but Viserys forced her into the arrangement.      It is at her wedding here where Daenerys receives a history of the Seven Kingdoms (from the exiled Westerosi knight Jorah Mormont), a magnificent silver horse from Drogo, and, most importantly, three petrified dragon eggs. On the night that Daenerys decides she cannot go on anymore, she dreams about a black dragon. The flames of the dragon cleanse her and make her feel strong, and new, and fierce.From that night onwards, life among the Dothraki begins to come more easily to her, the Dothraki begin to love and respect Daenerys as their Khaleesi, which causes great jealous from her brother. She dares for the first time to fight back against Viserys when he attacks her in a rage, as she shoves him away, Daenerys realises that her brother is a weak and childish, and would make a terrible king. After her brothers death, now the last remaining Targaryen, Daenerys believes her family's throne should be conquered and returned to her (and her future kin). In the year 299 AC her three dragon eggs, thought petrified, would hatch & bringing forth a trio of brother-dragons in Drogon, Rhaegal & Viserion.

it does not matter whether or not i am in the mountains; the mountains are always within me.

nametorgha flintage18 - 24
pronounsshe / herlocationthe north
affiliationhouse flint,
house stark
titlenoble clan
lady, heir
occupationlady heir of
widows watch
faceclaimjoey king

 about  the wild bride of house flint of widows watch, a noble clanswomen, born of the first flints, the mountains princess; strategically wed to the widows watch, the ferocious leader they never knew to ask for.
    date of birth : 24th Day, 7th Moon, 282AC.     kings: robert i, joffrey, war of five kings.

  house flint   her people consider themselves the first flints, but are also known as house flint of the mountains and house flint of breakstone hill. some mistakenly believe these are different clans, but they are one and the same.    they are the oldest and original house flint of westeros, with house flint of widows watch & house flint of flint's fingers both younger cadet branches. the first flints refer to their chief as "the flint"; formally stylised as lord flint by the lords of the north, and wider westeros.

  heir of widows watch   299 ac; widowed by the freys at the red wedding, where her new husband & lord-heir robin flint was slain. torgha was thereafter named lady-heir of widows watch by her ruling mother-in-law lyessa flint, preserving the arrangement between the oldest flints of the mountains, and the most powerful flints of widows watch.     "teach them the true fighting ways of the first flints, avenge my son, & do not let widows watch fall."

  • height : 5' 2"

  • eye colour : muddled blue

  • hair colour : rusted crimson

  • clothing : reminiscent of the free folk mixed with deep northern

  • languages : the common tongue

  • faith : the old gods, devout

  • colours : rust red, bone beige, deep leaf green, iceberg blue, iron grey

  • accessories : a leather choker with a totem of the old gods, later seen wearing a flint heir circlet upon her head.

  • strengths: tough, exceedingly resourceful, independent, curious, articulate, brave,
    devout & honourable

  • weaknesses: deeply emotional, reactive, headstrong, impulsive, argumentative & impatient

  other  Leo Sun + taurus Moon + sagittarius Rising.   ENTJ-T; The Turbulent Commander.   8w7 + The Nonconformist Protector.    Choleric    &   lawful neutral - Chaotic Neutral.

 biography  she is the thirdborn, youngest and only daughter of lord artos flint, and his wife, lady kygara. before her are her elder brothers, firstborn kygar flint, then the middleborn son hanfeth flint. she and her siblings are grandchildren of the flint, also known as old flint; the chief (lord) of the first flints of the mountains, lord torghen flint, of whom their father, artos, is the secondborn son.     torgha grew up in the high mountains of the north, running in the wolfswood, traversing breakstone and its sacred sites, and scaling the various mountainous landscapes. the first flints were always known as wild and at home amongst the trees; they're closer to the first men than any others, they claim.torgha trained alongside her brothers and learned how to hunt, fight, shoot a bow, to build shelter, to navigate terrain, to survive the winter, strategise, and various ways of defending herself. every member of the first flints are given the same foundation to work on, regardless of parentage or gender. this shown in her own family where her brother kygar is the finest sewer of their family, she is the truest shot with a hunting knife and hanfeth is the most advanced reader... & all three are all savage fighters, just like their unusual match was presented to her, as she all first flints had a choice; to wed into the cadet branch at widows watch. it was to be a strengthening of the eldest true branch, and the powerful younger branch of house flint ... the long night was on the horizon, claimed her grandfather torghen, and the blood of house flint and the first men of the mountains needed to be strong. torgha would become a 'twice-flint' upon wedding lord heir robin flint of widows watch. however, 299AC would see her widowed at the red wedding whereupon robin was slain by house frey.

 v: the twice-flint, red wedding widow 
specifically set after the events of the red wedding, where her new husband & lord-heir robin flint was slain. torgha was thereafter named lady-heir of widows watch by her ruling mother-in-law lyessa flint, preserving the arrangement between the oldest flints of the mountains, and the most powerful flints of widows watch. torgha now places herself firmly against house frey, house bolton, and king joffrey baratheon — she, alongside her paternal house flint of the mountains, and her married house flint of widows watch, are amongst the banner houses who do not acquiesce to house bolton's claim to winterfell.
     — this is set during the war of five kings.

 v: torgha of the first flints  as the Flints of the mountains are the same as House Flint of Breakstone Hill, there is a strange ancient history between themselves and house stark. The First flints ruled as First Men kings after the Long Night until being reduced to vassalage by the Kings of Winter, House Stark of Winterfell. since that time they have retained their old ways; their house closer to that of a clan, and devout in their worship of the old gods of the forest.    torgha's father has been approached for a match with the next clan chief's daughter — even some outside of the north, something she is personally against in a marriage. torgha wishes to journey into lands close to (or even beyond) the wall, and has been exploring closer each time she ventures out on her own.
        — applicable to any era / timeline.

Tradition is not in the worship of the ashes, but in the preservation of fire.

namevaelaerys targaryenagemid-20s - 30s
pronounsshe / herlocationthe twins, the red
keep, riverrun
affiliationhouse targaryen, house frey,
house tully, herself
occupationa princess of house targaryen,
lady of house tully
faceclaimviva bianca

 about  born to house targaryen and house frey, vaelaerys has never considered herself anything less than a dragon — it did not help that her mother never bonded with her firstborn, nor did vaelaerys have any interest in her maternal side. from a young age, princess vaelaerys taragryen was known as the bitch of the twins, with her periwinkle-blue eyes fixed on the red keep and her paternal lingeage of dragon kings.
    date of birth : 2nd Day, 8th Moon, 290AC.        kings: jaehaerys i, viserys i, the dance.

     &   CANON INSPIRED   Princess Daenerys Targaryen (b. 53AC), is Vaelaerys' grandmother. She was the eldest daughter of the Old King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Good Queen Alysanne Targaryen. — Book Lore has been altered for this character; instead Daenerys was not claimed by The Shivers.

  mount   melkāria; 'the purple queen', hatched in 60AC. described as a soft steely-lavender colour with fair grey-green scales on her underside. said to be savage and quick in her movements, with a longer neck, slender head and formidable hind quarters. she was claimed by her first known rider in the year 107AC; princess vaelerys targaryen was 17 years old at the time, her name is the bastard combination of the valyrian words: "melkasta" (purple) and "dāria" (queen).

  MARRIAGE, 110AC    Vaelaerys was unable to avoid marriage, even though there were no matches of ambition that were appealing to her — at that moment. she begrudgingly relented to a match with her step-fathers over-house. The son and heir of old Lord Grover Tully: lord murray tully was picked as her groom. Those who attended the wedding commented the icy tension between the wedded couple was palpable.

  • height : 5' 2"

  • eye colour : periwinkle pastel blue

  • hair colour : warm silvery white with loose, large ringlets

  • style : she favours figure flattering, flowing dresses that some consider 'scandalous'

  • languages : high valyrian, the common tongue

  • scars : a palm-sized burn under her left breast where she was scorched by dragonfire in 109AC

  • colours : pale blue, steely lavender, white gold, blood red

  • accessories : her prized possession is an ornate, moonstone accented hair net from her grandmother.

  • strengths: flitatious, strong willed, politically shrewd, attentive, charming, enthralling, magnetic

  • weaknesses: arrogant, jealous, hateful, capable of cruelty, vain, ambitious, manipulative, callous

  other  Leo Sun + scorpio Moon + aries Rising.    INTP-A; The assertive logician.    8w9 + The Protector Diplomat.    Choleric    &   neutral evil.

 biography  vaelaerys was born during the reign of her great-grandfather king jaehaerys targaryen. she was his firstborn great-grandchild, her name is a combination of two; in honour of both her great-grandfather jaehaerys, and her great-uncle (jaehaerys' youngest child) valerion who died before he reached his first nameday. her parents are prince laeron of targaryen and lady athora frey, though she has one sibling, lord heir jael mooton, who is fourteen years her junior; her half-brother from her mothers second marriage to lord jordwyn was commonly known that she hoped to marry for advantage rather than love, having always spoken about her desire to dwell in the red keep, and notably she pitched a fit when her first cousin, once removed, daemon targaryen was wed to rhea royce. shortly after this outburst (which was not her first), vaelaerys found herself with the newer, and much sterner, septa weona. the woman much more pious than the last: it was an attempt by her parents to calm down her emerging venomous temper.     the next few years, until her thirteenth year, were somewhat quieter. though she simmered in personal, petty, jealousy, vaelaerys learned to control her anger and, more importantly she learned how to control the perception of others around her; to play the part one might say. and it worked, until the beginning of 103AC; her darkest, like dominoes; it began ... within three months of her thirteenth nameday laeron targaryen, vaelaerys', father, hero and greatest love in life, perished; the result of a concentrated outbreak of shivers... a disease that had almost claimed his mother, daenerys', in her youth, he was thirty-one.     six months later, her only living namesake in her great-grandfather the old king jaehaerys passed in his sleep at sixty-nine years old. then, as the year closed, the last blow was dealt when vaelaerys' grandmother, jaeherys' eldest living child in daenerys targaryen, now without her parents and her only child, began to fade away in her grief... before the final day of the year 103AC, she died of the wasting sickness at the age of fifty.suddenly vaelaerys was 'a targaryen alone'; a terrible thing. her father, her grandmother, her great-grandfather had all been taken, and 104AC brought more bitterness as a fourteen-year-old she watched her mother remarry the youngest brother of the lord of maidenpool. her new salmon-sigil carrying step-father was lord jordwyn mooton, and then together they quickly had a son and heir, and vaelaerys' half-brother jael mooton, fourteen years younger than her.     by this time she felt the pressure to marry, coming from her newly inherited step-family and her mother. vaelaerys bought time, using her charm and slyly nuanced words, by claiming she wished to visit her removed paternal cousins and see the dragons soar "before i commit myself to marriage". though vaelaerys intended to secure herself a husband in the capital; she secured much took a year to organise the trip, her infant half-brother taking up most of the time as she privately schemed as to whom she would target for a match. within twelve months, a gleefully arrogant & radiant vaelaerys returned home atop the mighty, once wild, she-dragon melkāria. seeing her mother and step-father tremble before her, astride 'the purple queen' in 107AC, would be an image that delighted her forever more.     vaelaerys couldn't dodge marriage forever; there were no matches of pure advantage accessible to her at that moment and she was in late teens; loathesome of rumours she more than begrudgingly relented to a match with her step-fathers overhouse; the younger brother of lord grover tully was picked.lord murray tully and lady vaelerys targaryen were wed in 110AC. some say her stare was a mix of dragonfire and bone-chilling ice; she played a civil part in the ceremony; what was expected of her. no one was under the misapprehension that she loved or cared for him, and nor he for her it would come to pass. murray tully, if he had been worth documentation to historians, would have reminded some of the far-future king robert baratheon. a good fighter, a cunt in most other regards — he'd been used to ordering the women in his life around, but he could not contain nor dominate the dragon-riding targaryen who loathed being his wife.

To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of skill. It is to subdue the enemy without fighting that is the pinnacle of skill.

nameosmund strongage30s - mid - 40s
pronounshe / himlocationthe red keep
affiliationhouse targaryen,
house strong
titleser, hand of
the king
occupationhand of the king
17AC - 34AC
faceclaimmanu bennett

 about  seventeen years after the Conquest began, Osmund is Hand of The King. He is dedicated to his duties, and can be found training often, missing the rush of the battles long ago fought when he was a warrior of house strong; fighting alongside house tully and the river lords against black harren and house hoare.
    date of birth : 17th Day, 11th Month, 19BC.                       kings: aegon i, aenys i.

  • height : 5' 11"

  • eye colour : dark, deep brown

  • hair & beard colour : black-brown, flecks of grey throughout, beginning in his late 30s onwards

  • languages : the common tongue, high valyrian (learned fluency)

  • colours : rust / clay red, polished ebony wood, worn leather brown

  • scars : noteworthy scarification on either side of his head. many other organic scars from combat; the worst acquired during the revolt against house hoare

  • strengths: articulate, considerate, collaborative, self-assured, loyal, strategic, passionate, disciplined & kind-hearted

  • weaknesses: impatient, intense, vengeful, harsh-tongued, reckless, impulsive, combative & restless

  other  Scorpio Sun + Capricorn Moon + Aries Rising.   ENTJ-A; The Assertive Commander.   6w5 + The Loyalist Guardian.    Choleric-Melancholic    &   lawful neutral.

 biography  Osmund was born during the decimation of the Riverlands at the hands of House Hoare, The King's of the Isle's and Rivers. He is the secondborn of his parents, and their second son; and four additional siblings would be born after Osmund.     House Strong of Breakbone Keep, like all the Riverland houses, loathed House Hoare and so they eagerly followed Edmyn Tully in rebelling against Harren Hoare, King of the Isles and the Rivers, supporting House Targaryen from the outset.Osmund was a young but voracious fighter, having many years of pent up rage against House Hoare and the waste Harren the Black had lain over the Riverlands.     After the fall of House Hoare, Osmund joined House Targaryen's ground armies during the Wars of Conquest, particularly in The First Dornish War. This is where he eventually became acquainted with Lord Theo Tyrell. Osmund enjoyed strategising with the Warden of the South, and the two lead several mini-campaigns within the fray on The Red Mountains.    The two men maintained this friendship throughout the years, visiting one another when time permitted, with talks of Osmund's youngest brother as a candidate for House Tyrell's ward, Posey Gardener.Ser Osmund was named Hand of the King by Aegon I Targaryen in 17AC at the age of thirty-six, following the death of Lord Alton Celtigar, making him the fourth person to hold the office.     Early into his position Ser Osmund (and Grand Maester Gawen) were charged with overseeing and raising of walls around King's Landing. Work on the walls commenced in 20AC and continued for four years until completion.     Later, in 29AC and again 30AC, Ser Osmund and Lord Aethan Velaryon, Lord Admiral and Master of Ships upon Aegon's Council, led campaigns in the Stepstones to root out the Lysene pirate king Sargoso Saan, accompanied by the young Prince Maegor Targaryen.

you must not lose faith in humanity. humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

nameelinor tyrellageearly 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationat the side of
margaery tyrell
affiliationhouse tyrelltitlenoble lady
occupationlady in waitingfaceclaimanna

 about  a member of a junior branch of House Tyrell, she is a bedmaid, friend, and confidante of Margaery tyrell and attends her in kings landing. elinor rules Margaery's younger cousins by right of womanhood. Elinor is betrothed to Alyn Ambrose, but loves to flirt. she attends the marriage of lady sansa to lord tyrion, and also the three marriages of margaery. later, she is amongst those of house tyrell arrested by the faith of the seven.
    date of birth : 3rd Day, 12th Month, 280AC.        kings: robert, joffrey, tommen, cersei.

  • height : 5' 5"

  • eye colour : crisp, sky blue

  • hair colour : a vibrant copper-red

  • languages : the common tongue, some lysene valyrian (songs, poems)

  • colours : peach, pastel yellow, sky blue, strawberry blonde, lavender,

  • scars : post-arrest, branding / burning on her arm

  • piercings : two in each ear

  • accessories : a fine peach coloured shawl; from her cousin margaery

  • strengths: loving, self-assured, compassionate, witty, charming, flirtatious, well-read & precocious

  • weaknesses: naïve, generous, judgemental, vain, imperious, gossipmonger & trusting

  other  Scorpio Sun + Capricorn Moon + Aries Rising.   ENTJ-A; The Assertive Commander.   6w5 + The Loyalist Guardian.    Choleric-Melancholic    &   lawful neutral.

 biography At the wedding feast for Sansa and Tyrion Lannister, though the Tyrells attend, Elinor and her cousins ignore the bride to show their dissatisfaction with the match, as the Tyrells had hoped for Sansa to marry Willas Tyrell instead.Elinor attends the wedding of Margaery Tyrell and King Tommen Baratheon, where she dances with Tommen and shares a cup of wine with Aurane Waters.[8] She continues as Margaery's companion, taking her messages, reading with her, and accompanying her on many horse rides.[8][9][4]Due to Queen Cersei Lannister's plotting,[10] Elinor is arrested by the Faith of the Seven for trumped-up crimes of fornication, along with Megga Tyrell and Queen Margaery Tyrell, and held captive in the Great Sept of Baelor. When examined by a septa, Elinor's maidenhead is found to be broken.[11]

no one can tell what goes on in between the person you were & the person you become. No one can chart that blue, lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.

namevida watersage20 - 25
pronounsshe / herlocationtransient
affiliationherselftitlenone, bastard
faceclaimanya chalotra

 about  vida is a talented healer and also a bonesetter; staying generally in the southernmost regions of Westeros. Typically, during trade seasons or weather permitting, vida sets up stall in the major cities or towns. she can be found traveling and working her trade in and around the southern areas of Westeros. she rarely ventures to the deep north, but when she does it is to source specific plants that are found in the region.
                                                                      + verse : house of the dragon

  steed   brego; her beloved horse who is around six years old now. He was originally an over-burdened, too-young carriage horse. he now pulls her cart & is never far from his rider.
  scars   burns on her back from being pushed into a fire, scars on the back of her thighs from beatings with a switch & on the base of her hairline from having her hair roughly cut off.
  apothecary   she is primarily adept in the crafting and perfecting of her sellable wares: potions, salves, and tonics. Vida's talents in potion-craft have been a defining part of her healing services: skilled in creating and tailoring tonics. with the addition of being a bonesetter as well as a general healer.

  her death (?)   Vida would end up staging her death and stealing away on her own when she could take no more cruelty, almost a decade after being taken in by the family. One evening she was accosted by a client of her master, when Vida shoved him away he fatally struck his head. She took the chance to flee. Vida set the apothecary ablaze, stole the client's horse, her few belongings, supplies of Master Oakleafs (including books of deadly and difficult recipes), and disappeared amongst smoke and flame; those who would go through the rubble would mistake a planted pig for the forgettable, discardable girl. As for the horse? Everyone believed it had scared off by the fire and was long gone too.

  • height : 5' 6"

  • eye color : pale grey-violet

  • hair colour : raven black

  • clothing : her wardrobe is made up of re-dyed clothing that she has repurposed; dark greys, with occasional dark blues & purples.

  • piercings : small rings in each ear

  • colours : bruised purple, bluestone, ink black, coal red, dark grey, herb & foliage green

  • accessories : a concealed blade for protection, worn on the body.

  • strengths: adaptable, intelligent, observant, resourceful, meticulous, compassionate, hard-
    working & practical.

  • weaknesses: antisocial, suspicious, detached, judgemental. biased, secretive, cautious, prejudiced, non-committal.

  other  Aquarius Sun + Taurus Moon + Scorpio Rising.   ISTP-A; The Assertive Virtuoso.   5w4 + The Philosopher Thinker.   Choleric    &    Chaotic Neutral - Chaotic Good.

 biography  An unknown and cast away bastard of Valyrian heritage; sent from the Crownlands into the Westerlands. From just over a year old up until the age of seven, she lived under in a Mother House in the Westerlands, fortunately the home was in the main town so there was ample room for fun and games outdoors with other children. The town's sole apothecary, lived and worked at least a forty-minute walk from the town, one day took her in as a ward. The home of the Oakleafs contained Jone, the father, his wife Bessany and their two daughters, Mellina and Gwen, but Vida would only see it to help clean or while running errands.         She was put out the back with a decrepit former animal hutch as her "home", it was built against the blue-stone building of the apothecary but unmaintained. Vida was given the scrap materials to reinforce and rebuild it so it would stand against the elements, but the rest she scavenged. She learned to bundle sticks together with discarded hay for thatching, and she learned to identify plants she could strip twine from. At ten she built a small fire pit inside, and by then had learned to slow-cook underground and forage for edible plants. Vida also crafted linen and a pillow for herself, painstakingly sewing together scraps of the clothes she'd outgrown or fabric that had been dumped.Bessany Oakleaf swiftly declared that her name would now be Vida, as 'Mellvida' was far too close to their eldest daughter's name Mellina. Vida spent her days mainly in the apothecary cleaning, pruning, grinding up substances, bottling and tending to simmering tonics overnight, and any other time was helping out with household chores (and being entirely ignored or openly mocked whilst doing so). She used her eyes and ears to learn the various potions, salves and tonics that made Master Oakleaf such an effective apothecary; he never intended to teach her.      The Oakleaf daughters, encouraged by their mother, saw Vida as a plaything and the family’s plowhorse, delighting in taunting and harming Vida, knowing they would incur no punishment. She suffered greatly and consistently at the hands of each member of the Oakleaf family, at one time or another. Bessany utterly resented having her around as she had wanted a boy, who would have been stronger than her, regardless of how hard Vida worked.Vida is known generally by her wagon; painstakingly renovated by herself to contain her workspace, storage, and a small private living area, which is pulled by Brego. She is highly intelligent but incredibly aloof — almost cold: a great deal of this wordly knowledge is because she was forced to be resourceful and self-sufficient by way of neglect. Similarly she learned her trade by proxy of her master, and her own vicious desire to outstrip those who had treated her with such disdain.          In more recent years, with solid years upon the road and the progression in her skills and reputation she is somewhat known amongst lesser ladies and handmaidens. She is ought out for her discretion, and uniquely tailored potions, as well as with knights and fighters who swear by her own recipe for a healing salve. Vida is capable of taking care of herself, and carries a weapon as well as two additional ones in concealed panels in her wagon, but she overall avoids commotion and crowds, tolerating it only when she must.

To have endured horrors, to have seen the worst of humanity and have your life made unrecognisable by it, to come out of all that honourable and brave — that was magical.

nameesryia of lysageearly-mid 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationlys & myr
affiliationherself &
her cause
titlelady; noble

 about  born a manse in lys, she is the daughter of a lysene gonfaloniere, their blood is the noble blood of the lysene. s a child she avoided being sold to a khalasar after her father died. now she is an accomplished lysene pillowhouse owner, with a strong yet covert anti-slavery campaign that she has been working on since she was relocated.

  • height : 5' 7"

  • eye color : molasses brown

  • hair colour : deep brown-black

  • languages : lysene, high valyrian, dothraki & the common tongue

  • piercings : six rings in each ear

  • colours : royal purple, polished steel, wine red, pale ashen grey

  • scars : bitten by a wild dog when she was ten, the scar is still evident on her left lower calf.

  • strengths: intelligent, observant, strategic, compassionate, determined, loving, passionate, eloquent.

  • weaknesses: temperamental, self-burdening, critical, headstrong & hyper vigilant.

  other  taurus Sun + scorpio Moon + cancer Rising.   INTJ-A; The Assertive Architect.   5w4 + The Philosopher Thinker.    Choleric    &    Lawful Neutral — Chaotic Good.

 biography  a daughter of one of the wealthiest families in lys, the youngest child and only one of two daughters. the men of the family were, and are, staunchly military and politically minded and so daughters were seen as a valuable asset to bed wed and forge connections. she would learn how their family bore similarities to westerosi royal and noble culture, though that was not the strict norm in lys.      after her fathers death she was set to be traded to a dothraki warlord by her eldest brother, who was now the patriarch of their family.esryia's eldest sister and her husband would not have it and, after they suffered a failed attempt to intervene; quickly and quietly smuggled the young girl out of the city.       at ten years of age she was set up comfortably in myr with a guardian, her sister communicating often and visiting on occasion. she lived there for eight years until word came that her brother had fallen out of favour politically and lost ranking, whereupon esryia would return to her homeland, now educated and wise, far stronger though bitter due to isolation & resentment without hope of closure.esryia became known, both before and after she resettled in lys, as the chain mother, a loose translation from lysene into the common tongue, and the dothraki translation is closer to slave mother; "zafra mai," but it's meaning is much different than the literal —     it means 'a loving protector of those in chains.' though barely into double-digits of life, esryia was set up with familial wealth, as it was only her brother who aimed to condemn her for his own political gains.      myr had, and still has, more slaves than freed people and that did not sit well with esryia. she had grown up with slaves of her own, she had mistreated them as a younger child, but now; alone, whisked away from her family, she saw the world in a different way.slowly, within the home that she was set up in (owned outright but her elder sister, and with a section of the finances from her fathers estate), esryia began to change the dynamic of how her slaves were treated. some projects spanned years, and the full can be found here, but a summary of the changes that happened within her manse are: creation of larger and family-capable quarters, a nursery space, abolishing facial tattooing and branding entirely, exchanging the traditional public mandatory collars to soft leather, keeping loved ones together, dedicated medical care, and more.        from the outside esryia still seems a strict woman, abiding by the societal rules and class hierarchy, but within her manse it was love and respect that gained her such attentive 'slaves'.esryia also did not refer to her slaves as such, she called them her attendants in public for the sake of image, but each was called by name. — becoming the chain mother was incidental, as she began to specifically seek out slaves that were condemned to the worst kinds of fates, and those who had come from the worst kinds of origins, and purchased them in order to bring them into the slowly growing oasis within myr.      BY THE AGE OF nineteen she had purchased her sisters property from her, remodelled most of it, and now sought to expand her influence and budding way of treating those in collars. esryia invested, and then bought outright, a pillowhouse in myr. similar standards to those in her manse were applied to those bedslaves she now owned, expanding the unintentional name of the chain mother. within a handful of years she would buy two more pillowhouses, located in lys. she'd eagerly & purpousefully returned to, and purchased a second manse, after her brothers' demotion.

The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, & weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't.

nameregnarra drummageearly 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationiron islands
affiliationhouse drumm, the
drowned god
titlelady, captain
occupationritual executioner
of old wyk
faceclaimthea sofie
loch næss

 about  trained to sail and fight, which she is proficient in as expected of an Ironborn woman, but since her sixteenth nameday, and her third brush with of The Drowned God, Regnarra has been the ritual and sacrificial executioner of House Drumm and of the island itself. Regnarra was elected by her father, Ruling Lord Voren The Bone Hand, as his representative in command, in agreement with the priests upon Old Wyk.

  ship   The Poison Tide; A dual-masted cog ship known for it's red-tipped masts (the main colour of House Drumm's sigil).
  tattoos; face   Two tattoos on her face, they represent her religion and connection to the Drowned God. One between her eyebrows, slightly above the bridge of her nose, the other runs from the base of her bottom lip & vertically down her chin.

  tattoos; spine   A line of twelve black tattoos, outlines of circles 1.5cm in diameter, down her spine, from the nape of her neck to the very base of her lumbar.
  titles   Lady Bone-Hand, the Salt death, the Drowned Oracle, and Regnarra Thrice-Drowned.

  • height : 5' 3"

  • eye color : pale blue.

  • hair colour : pale, ghostly gold

  • hair styling : individual braided and woven locks of hair throughout, featuring totems of the drowned god & old wyk.

  • piercings : two bone spacers

  • scars : handful across her arms, legs, & palms, mostly from climbing cliffs or diving

  • colours : seafoam green, white ash, moss green, slate grey

  • accessories : necklaces & rings; various symbols of faith or home.

  • strengths: honest independent, driven, clever, complimentary, humble in faith, dependable, intuitive, free spirited & self-assured

  • weaknesses: judgemental, unforgiving, cold, disconnected, ruthless, impulsive, aggressive, vindictive, confrontational.

  other  Scorpio Sun + Pisces Moon + Cancer Rising.   ESTJ-T; The Turbulent Executive.   8w7 + The Non-Conformist Protector.   Choleric + Melancholic    &    Chaotic Netural.

 biography  She is a lady of House Drumm of Old Wyk in the Iron Isles, a captain, the youngest child and unexpected sole daughter of the family — who may have been small from birth but every bit as wild as the seas. Regnarra is named after High King Regnar Drumm, and is fiercely devoted to the Drowned Gods, serving as Old Wyk's ritual executioner. To some she is revered as an Oracle, having been "touched by the Drowned God."House Drumm considered the most holy of the Ironborn, and young Regnarra often saw herself into fights with aspiring acolytes of the Drowned Men who mocked her for being a woman, and thus unable to join the religion as a priest. Consequently, assured of her own connection to the Drowned God despite their mocking, when she was six, twelve, and then sixteen, Regnarra voluntarily entered into Contests of Faith upon the black cliffs of Old Wyk. She, and the another acolyte who had challenged her, gave herself over to the seas by falling from the heights of the cliffs. Each time she had drowned but been revived by a priest with the kiss of life, the last instance Regnarra simply made her way to shore unhindered, whilst the other, the acolyte, would never rise again. After these demonstrations they now respected her beyond questioning.Many close to her, and Regnarra herself, consider her an Oracle of the Drowned God, whether that is agreed upon is another issue. What is agreed upon is that it's a known phenomenon that when Lady Bone-Hand proclaimed the Drowned God would battle the Storm God ... a monstrous turn of the seas would come.     — And when she burned dried salt and seaweed in the air like an incense and then proceeded to bathe naked in the salt waters as acolytes did, Regnarra would often leave the ocean with the echo of prophecy in her mouth as she tasted of the fortunes of others at the hands of The Drowned God; for good or bad.

I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was — my dashed hopes, my dashed dreams, & my soured expectations.

namelya baratheonageearly 20s
pronounsshe / herlocationstormlands
affiliationhouse baratheontitlelady
occupationa lady of house

 about  the only daughter of Lord Lyonel Baratheon & once betrothed to Prince Duncan Targaryen. Lya takes her nickname from her habit of condescendingly smiling at those she finds infuriating; the Smiling Storm. lya has never fully recovered from the public scandal of being cast aside by prince duncan targaryen for the peasant jenny of oldstones; her temperament irrevocably darkened by how it impacted her.
    date of birth : 27th Day, 9th Moon, 224AC.     kings: maekar i, aegon v, jaehaerys ii.

  • height : 5' 4.5"

  • eye color : clear & soft blue

  • hair colour : rich, dark brown

  • piercings : both ears

  • scars : one, large & curved on her left thigh from tumbling down a slippery flight of stairs in youth.

  • colours : ??

  • accessories : earrings accented with mother of pearl or opal.

  • strengths: well-presented, loyal, devoted, trustworthy, charming, observant, expressive & strategic.

  • weaknesses: insecure, bitter, vengeful, jealous, vicious when slighted & self-loathsome.

  other     Libra Sun + Scorpio Moon + Pisces Rising.   ESTP-T ; The Turbulent Entrepreneur.   7w8 + The Opportunist Adventurer.    Melancholic    &    Lawful Neutral—Neutral Evil.

 biography  Lya, a precocious, animated girl born on a quiet night at Storms End, the fourth born of five children, and truly the apple of her family's eye. Her father Lyonel, considered one of the finest swordsmen of his time, was a loyal and honest supporter of King Aegon 'The Unlikely'. As such, the king was pleased to arrange a betrothal of his eldest son and heir, Prince Duncan Targaryen, to the Laughing Storms' only daughter; bonding their two houses, and thus making his daughter Queen-Consort. This sole daughter was Lya Baratheon, known already as House Baratheon's Smiling Storm.It seemed unbelievable, all of it, all of her dreams and desires unfolding, & yet she allowed herself to believe it was set in stone. She shouldn't have. Months before the planned ceremony between the two, Lya's dreams, and self-worth, were all of a sudden crushed. She had been cast aside for some commonborn woman named Jenny of Oldstones... the Prince renounced his claim to the Iron Throne for her. Lya was (and deeply felt) like laughing stock, whispers of her rejection and the scandal on many peoples lips for several months. She felt worthless, than any other commoner plucked at random; less impressive, valid, and less attractive than ever before.As Lya fell into a depression brought about by the embarrassment and shame, an enraged Lord Lyonel, felt the honor of House Baratheon and his daughter had been insulted. From this broken betrothal, her father would go on to renounce his fealty to the Iron Throne and declare himself Storm King. A short rebellion followed, which ended when Lyonel yielded during a trial by combat, and swore fealty once more. Whilst Lya was forgotten (by some), King Aegon agreed to wed his youngest daughter, Princess Rhaelle Targaryen, to Lya's eldest brother, Ormund Baratheon; sending the princess to Storms End. This soothed the wound torn between the two Houses, but it did nothing to heal Lya. She had become collateral damage; everyone else seemed to thrive — not her.

Pain was their body's way of telling them that they'd pushed themselves to their limits — which was exactly where they were supposed to be.

namequenton qoherysagegeneral 40s
pronounshe / himlocationcrownlands
affiliationhouse targaryen,
house qoherys,
the crown
titleser, master-
& lord
of dragonstone
faceclaimpeter mensah

 about  When Queton was fifteen, his father was approached by Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon, offering to foster Quenton at Dragonstone, with the position of Master-at-Arms to be his once their heirs were born. He was an emerging young commander and had already considered turning his life to the art of combat and training. He trained the Targaryen Trio, and their rumoured half-brother Orys Baratheon, and remained their Master at Arms from their infancy to the Conquer itself.
    date of birth : 25th Day, 7th Month, 41BC.     kings: aegon i, aenys i.

  scars   Significant and noteworthy keloid scarring on his back and two across his chest, having been split open by dual swords. He has a large, oddly shaped scar on the side of his face (above the cheekbone). His arms are littered with small to large scars from his life, and later during the Conquest.

  physical practices   he does not believe in tattoos (marking the flesh) and nor does her wear piercings; the latter due to them being only a hinderance in combat. He also shaves most of his body hair, and keeps his skin oiled & hydrated, a practice to make it harder for an enemy to gain grip in a fight.

  • height : 6' 6.8"

  • eye colour : dark honey gold

  • hair colour : shaved, coal black

  • scars : many, and he reveres each scar as a lesson of success or failure, and to tell the story of his life.

  • colours : ember red, dark gold, leather brown, polished steel, faded bone, raven blue-black

  • accessories : his leather whip, and often seen wearing his rust-red, leather strapped, armoured vest.

  • strengths: disciplined, calm, honourable, sharp eyes; highly observant, dedicated, loyal, spiritual, dutiful, compassionate, wise, perceptive & principled.

  • weaknesses: harsh, critical, capable of great violence, unapproachable, domineering, merciless & never forgets a slight.

  other     Leo Sun + Capricorn Moon + Virgo Rising.   INTJ-A; The Assertive Architect.   1w9 + The Idealist Optimist.    Phlegmatic — Choleric     &    Lawful Neutral — True Neutral.

 biography  As a young boy, Quenton showed immediate and almost shocking prowess in any form of combat that came his way. At his grandsire's final Nameday feast before his death, Lord Qorrhen the Elder proclaimed that his grandson Quenton would become the 'finest fighter to ever come from the blood of House Qoherys!'     He is the only son of Lord Qorrhen the Younger, who had fathered two daughters with his first wife and then a third daughter with his second wife.     While Quenton did hold respect for the studies expected of him, he was far from a lover of scholarly pursuits. Regardless of this, Quenton did apply his innate and unwavering discipline to all aspects of his life.Once his studies were completed, he could be found in the yards training for hours upon hours; sparring, training rigorously by himself, and working to keep himself in peak condition. Quenton became known for his quietly loud, intense presence; overflowing with both mental and physical discipline, unflinching endurance, and a commanding aura. His father, Lord Qorrhen the Younger, described his son as The Raging Quiet of House Qoherys.     In 24BC, at the age of seventeen he relocated to Dragonstone, having been offered fostering and the position of Master-at-Arms for the forthcoming heirs of House Targaryen. Five years later the first heir of Lord Aerion and Lady Valaenna was born. As the years passed he would be the one to train at arms the trio of Conquerors; Visenya, Aegon, and Rhaenys Targaryen, as well as rumoured half-brother, Orys Baratheon.Quenton was also responsible for training many guardsmen, secondary commanders, and warriors of Dragonstone. Quenton married his first wife, Lady Alohaera Celitgar around this time, a match pre-arranged by his father, as Quenton was only son, and they would remain married until her death in 1BC, with two sons born of that union. Several years after her death, he agreed to wed again, to the eldest daughter of his liege lord, Edmyn Tully; a woman two decades his junior in Lady Madelyn Tully of Riverrun.He is an imposing task-master, some say unforgiving and far too rigorous, never found without his whip, sometimes known lash weapons from trainee's hand, or crack! to command attention. Quenton is blessed with deadly accuracy: he can flick his whip across the training yards to strike a bird in mid-flight — and is equally accurate in just striking the back of his pupil's legs, arms, or back to correct improper movements, without splitting skin, nor drawing blood. Quenton would be an active and crucial part of Aegon's armies during the Conquer, a War Commander for the young King he once trained until the conclusion in 2BC.

 v: lord of harrenhal 
Quenton was regarded amongst the most trusted men outside of Aegon's Council. Though Aegon approached him on more than one occasion, Quenton refused the offer to hold a position at the King's side. Quenton was adamant that training warriors remained his calling, saying; "There could be no greater achievement for me than having trained, not one warrior, but three Conquerors. I am contented here."     He continues to advise Aegon when he requires, the bond of master and student still present, & Quenton is a staunch supporter of his King. Quenton was named Lord of Harrenhal after the extinction of House Hoare, and gifted the seat as well as the lands surrounding, he relocated there with his two sons & talks began of him remarrying.      Quenton would remain at harrenhal as Ruling Lord until his death in 37ac, coincidentally the same year that his former student in king aegon passed.

 au: house of quiet 
Hailing from Last Lament, a town in northwestern island of Walano in the Summer Isles. He is nicknamed The Raging Quiet for his behaviour in combat; silent and merciless; and has worked for or with many mercenaries but prefers to comport his life, and business, alone. Quenton is not motivated by any one thing, save for his desire for an equal combatant upon the battlefield. He loathes many of the foreign customs, and still holds true to almost all of his Summer Isles culture and beliefs. Now, with more wealth and reputation behind his name, Quenton has taken to purchasing slaves to trait in combat; whether to join him as an apprentice, or to better their lives in safety and freedom. he has created fighting & combat school that produces his own loyal mercenaries and sellswords, all maintained with morals and fairness by quenton himself.
    this au linked with jon, osmund & theo

Wept from joy, or from despair, or just from my vengeful stare. Ways I have, to look at stupid, make them see I am not Cupid. Make them see they are in error, for of truth I am a bearer. Most decide I'm just a bear; mauling at them — like I care.

namejosera snowagemid-late 20s
pronounshe / himlocationthe north
affiliationthe north, house
occupationdefender of the
north grove

 about  he protects the North Grove with his sister, Elsera. He is the bastard son of Lord Gregor Forrester of Ironwrath, alongside Elsera, and was 'exiled' to the North Grove not only to protect it, but to 'hide the shame' of his bastardy; or so he believes in his heart. this belief has been instrumental in his perspective & opinion of his lord father.    josera is also a warg, and is firmly bonded with his bear shadow and some traits of the bears animus have become more prevalent in josera's personality.
    date of birth : 7th Day, 2nd Moon, 275AC.     kings: robert, joffrey, + war of five kings.

  • height : 5' 9"

  • eye color : forest green

  • hair colour : rich black

  • colours : washed out black, snowfall white, winter green

  • scars : palms & forearms, a burn on his shin, across his chest are faded claw marks from a wolf attack

  • warg : bonded to the snow-bear, shadow; his constant companion.

  • strengths: dependable, honourable, steadfast, passionate, attentive, resourceful & caring.

  • weaknesses: highly distrustful, judgemental, blunt, temperamental, aggressive & introverted.

  other     Aquarius Sun + leo Moon + libra Rising.   INFJ-a; The Assertive Advocate.   6w7 + The Confidant Loyalist.    Melancholic    &    Lawful Good.

 biography  Josera is distrustful and aggressive towards almost anyone and certainly any strange faces... however his aggressive attitude can be put down to his bonding with Shadow, his snow-bear companion and the subsequent merging of personalities that results from warging. generally speaking, he is intelligent but far more likely to leap into action before asking questions.    Josera harbours a strong dislike of the Free Folk, whom he insists on referring to as "wildlings", and considers defending the north grove against them of the highest priority and honour in his life.Josera holds a strong loyalty towards House Forrester despite being abandoned at the North Grove by his lord father, and though it leaves him bitter he has come to enjoy his place as defender of the north grove, but also accepts that it was done to hide the shame of he and his sisters bastardary.      part of him does feel a sense of displacement but his role in the north has given him a purpose and sense of individuality beyond that he could have felt amongst his half-siblings. a great amount of his angst, anger and negative feels are channelled through his physical activity: he scouts, he trains, he hunts, and he always has his — and shadow's — eyes open for any sight of wildling invaders.

I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was — my dashed hopes, my dashed dreams, & my soured expectations.

nameaeron targaryenagemid-30s
pronounshe / himlocationexplorer;
affiliationhouse targaryen,
the citadel
titleprince of house
occupationhigh cartographer
of the citadel

 about  he is eldest son of viserys i and his first, forgotten, and far too brief marriage, he is derogatorily called the "non-heir" & the "bastard dragon", but aeron had forged a place in the hierachy of westeros through dedication to cartography and the exploration of the known world.     when aeron claimed a dragon (sarrenax) in youth, it did still some doubt about his heritage, but any call for him to be moved up in the line of succession was dismissed, by the council & aeron himself; as he has no interest.
    date of birth : 23rd Day, 12th Moon, 82AC.       kings: jaehaerys i, viserys i, the dance.

  dragon   sarrenax, assumed forties-fifties, female, bronze scaled with green eyes, her underbelly is coloured akin to rust.

  legitimised "bastardy"   though aeron was conceived within wedlock, he is legally acknowledged as a claimed bastard.

  • height : 6' 2"

  • eye color : pale violet with a golden ring around his pupil

  • hair colour : ashy silver

  • languages : high valyrian, the common tongue, lyseni, pentoshi, various bastard valyrian dialects

  • colours : dark gre-blue, ashy white, ghostly violet, rust bronze

  • accessories : a valyrian-steel pendant on a chain, it is also a functional compass

  • strengths: brave, fearless, curious, tenacious, intelligent, strong, a photographic memory, resilient & passionate.

  • weaknesses: sense of rootlessness, wanderlust, high expectations of self, restless & holds a grudge.

  other     sagittarius Sun + gemini Moon + taurus Rising.   INFJ-a; The Assertive Advocate.   7w6 + The Adventurer Pathfinder    Sanguine-Choleric    &    Lawful Good.

 biography  aeron is the first and only child born of viserys i targaryens first and shortest marriage. his mother was lady mya westerling and she died birthing aeron as he came early and too quick, and truthfully she was too slight in youth and her body could not handle the pregnancy.        due to the hastiness of the marriage and the fact that he was born early and thus making it appear as though he was conceived out of wedlock (or perhaps by another?) & rumours began to crop up that aeron was a bastard. none of the rumours were true and half made no sense, however viserys could see the issue turning potentially deadly so he publicly naturalised his true-born son in infancy, effectively erasing him from the line of succession and aeron’s claim to the iron throne. in exchange, it would ensure aeron's safety and ensure his claim to the family was a short time after that aeron’s father would wed lady aemma arryn who would raise aeron in a dynamic akin to a elder sister and maternal figure.      fortunately, young aeron was more enamoured with stories of the lands beyond westeros and not the throne, so he never questioned or complained about his inability to inherit his fathers crown. he was sadly targeted on a handful of occasions; through salacious rumours and taunts to physical attacks (swiftly reprimanded by king viserys).aeron was barely fourteen when he officially set out from westeros to begin his exploration and mapping of the world, but has returned throughout the years for events and family occasions, as well as to update the citadel and his map making for the crown.      his dragon is the female dusty-bronze hued sarrenax, who he believes has lain clutch, or single egg, deep in the wild terrain of qorhor but sarrenax has, so far, not shown him where she disappeared to during that period.     prince aeron works closely with the citadel in his role as an explorer and cartographer; he is well respected and regarded for this. the 'bastard' prince, regardless of rumours and somes opinions of his presence in the emerging political turmoil, is amongst the greatest targaryen explorers of history, and his is undoubtedly the greatest westerosi cartographer of this age.

Everything with me is either worship and passion, or pity and understanding. I hate rarely & when I hate, I hate murderously.

nametyla hillage19 - 28
pronounsshe / herlocationwesterlands
affiliationhouse lorchtitlenone, bastard
occupationservantfaceclaimbonnie sveen

 about  her mother was wetnurse in service to house tarbeck, & was present during the fall tarbeck hall during the reyne-tarbeck revolt. spared the blade by chance, not mercy, instead she would be taken by house lorch. later her mother became pregnant by a member of house lorch, whom she never named, and tyla is the product of that assault.
  date of birth : 5th Day, 6th Moon, 267AC.     kings: aerys ii targaryen, robert baratheon.

  • height : 5' 7"

  • eye color : pale, grey-green

  • hair color : soft yellow-blonde

  • languages : the common tongue

  • piercings : none

  • scars : most due to labour as a servant, a few due to abuse

  • colours : rust red, pale sand, pastel teal, forest brown

  • accessories : her mother leather band, braided cross-body belt, it holds her dress in place.

  • strengths: resilient, adaptable, careful, perceptive, compassionate, diligent, unassuming.

  • weaknesses: unforgiving, bitter, loathing, restless, self-critical, insecure, low self esteem, & detatched.

  other     Gemini Sun + Cancer Moon + Leo Rising.   INFP-T ; The Turbulent Mediator.   5w + The Thinker.    Sanguine    &    Neutral Good.

 biography  tyla's mother — nandy — served as wetnurse to house tarbeck, she was the one who had nursed the last lord tarbeck; three years old at the time of the reyne-tarbeck revolt. nandy was one of the witnesses to ser amory lorch dropping the child into a well as house tarbeck fell, spared death by chance... her mother was taken by house lorch as a servant. though she never confirmed, nor would talk about it, it is likely that tyla's father is ser amory lorch himself — her mother having been assaulted by unnamed men of the house once she became a servant.when tyla was born she was raised amonst servant children and street children, and eventually put to work as a servant of house lorch just like her mother. nandy, after giving birth, became distant and detatched and did not show much affection to tyla; treating her as any of the other faces she passed in the halls.      it was another servant who told tyla of how she was conceived, as she'd never understood why her mother had no name for her father. from that point on a deep hatred began to fester inside of tyla, all of it focussed on house lorch, and somewhat house lannister, especially once she grew to fully understand what had happened at tarbeck hall.when the sack of kings landing occurred in 283 AC, tyla had been taken along in the war camp to amuse the soldiers at the whims of ser amory. tyla wept when she heard of how the man who was either her abuser, her father, or both, had stabbed the toddler dozens of times; echoing his actions at tarbeck hall. seeing the westerlands as nothing but a place of pain, cruelty and bloodshed, tyla then began to formulate a plan to free herself.
         & and somehow, some way, aid in doing any amount of damage to house lorch, ser amory, and even house lannister itself.

  dance au: a servant in the keep 
a bastard of the westerlands who, a child, worked in the kitchens of casterly rock. at fifteen she became involved with a lannister knight; drunk on promises of love and marriage she became intimate with him, only for him to wed another. when his 'love' turned to outright abuse at her refusal to become his mistress, a kindly trader who had witnessed her bruises offered her a place on his vegetable cart — bound for the red keep. the last time the knight assaulted her she slipped milk of the poppy into his wine and, when he was unconscious, stole his coins to pay the trader. they departed that morning, as dawn broke, and tyla never saw him again.    recently her prospects have advanced as she has been removed from the kitchens of the red keep and raised to a serving maid.

 au: tyla the translator 
to be elaborated on, an alternative verse where she has rare aptitude for languages, both current and ancient, westerosi and beyond. around her 10th birthday, after being observed by the maester, she was taken from her (uninterested) servant mother by representatives of the citadel to serve lords, nobles, and even royals.     her upbringing has left her quite isolated, with her perceived value being only that she is adept in languages. being that she is of low birth she is not seen as valuable as a person: more that she is a living 'book', an invisible, non-entity with useful skills.     this has lead her to the coping mechanism of finding her worth in sex, intimacy and the idea that being 'desired' is the same as being loved.
        this is an era neutral verse.

We men dream dreams, we work magic, we do good, we do evil. The dragons do not dream. They are dreams. They do not work magic: it is their substance, their being. They do not do; they are.

namedaeraxagelate-20s - mid-30s
pronounshe / himlocationsthe dragonpit,
dragonstone, & asshai
affiliationthe dragonkeepers,
house targaryen,
& the dragons
titlenone; he is of the order
of dragonkeepers
occupationdragonkeeperfaceclaimoded fehr

 about  a member of the order of dragonkeepers, protectors and guardians of the dragons and their eggs. as one of the targaryen dragonkeepers, he is the trainer and breeder of the sacred messenger falcons of valyria who serve the dragonkeepers.

Heavily affiliated with isefyres depiction of fellow dragonkeepers, regardless of verse or era.           all non-canon and expanded lore is either created solely by cali, myself, or made collaboratively between the two of us.                      — — the order of dragonkeepers; lore master tag.

  tattoos   across his forehead and on each cheek; they are markings of old valyria; symbols of the gods and the dragons history. they represent his connection, and lifelong service, to the dragons & magic of valyria.    they are not part of, nor required markings, of those of the order of dragonkeepers.
  his falcon   baleria: she is a faded white with dark brown spots and facial markings, she is one of the most experienced and most travelled of the keepers' falcons, mother of many younger birds. she is named for a god of old valyria, balerion.

  the valyrian falcons   messengers of the order, sometimes called: sacred falcons or the keepers falcons. uniquely capable of symbiosis with dragons; they do not seek to devour them as they would other flying creatures. the dragonkeepers are able to decipher, and respond to certain cries from the falcons by way of communication. as an added precaution, they will destroy (shred, eat, etc.) messages if intercepted by someone who does not speak the correct words of greeting in old valyrian.       see full post here

  • height : 6' 2"

  • eye color : dark, warm brown

  • hair color : black-brown

  • languages : high / old valyrian, most valyrian-based dialects, limited common tongue

  • more : & an expert in birdcalls and communication with the sacred messenger falcons.

  • piercings : none

  • scars : some, none of note, and some small burns from dragonfire

  • colours : dragonglass black, burned maroon, snowy ash.

  • strengths: resilient, adaptable, careful, perceptive, dutiful, honourable, diligent, compassionate, tender-handed, warm hearted.

  • weaknesses: stern, introverted, searching, reserved, intense, guarded.

  other     Leo Sun + Virgo Moon + Taurus Rising.   INFP-T ; The Turbulent Mediator.   3w4 + The Expert Performer.    Melancholic    &    Lawful Neutral.

 biography  daerax is a member of The Dragonkeepers, the sacred order of guards who protected the dragons of House Targaryen at the Dragonpit in King's Landing, and on Dragonstone.     They numbered seventy-seven, and were tasked with guarding dragons day and night wherever they might lair. the order was originally created in 56ac by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, following Princess Aerea Targaryen's taking of Balerion and her subsequent death after she returned from the ruins of Valyria.     The Dragonkeepers at the Dragonpit of King's Landing knew the dragons there better than anyone else, even the families of the riders of dragons and those with Godly blood (dragon riders, the 'dragon-kin' some keepers called them); they could read the movements and breaths of each dragon and interpret their mood, and even — on occasion — their needs.historically the order has valued their oaths to the dragons over that of the crown and house targaryen, though that is often mistaken. in truth, though the order swore fealty to king jaehaerys i targaryen, they swore their services to him, and not the crown in perpetuity. it is their honour and reverence to the dragons, and by extension those chosen by dragons, that they have maintained such respect for house targaryen.     they are not outside of the crown by any means, but many do confuse them as a "valyrian version of the gold cloaks", which is incorrect. their lives are sworn to dragonkind, not mankind. the orders has intervened against princes and princesses, spoken up against kings and queens, who seek to use, abuse or amuse themselves with dragons; seeing games — such as the one attempted by princess viserra — as insults to the dignity of the great beasts.the fracturing of the dragonkeepers relationship with the blood of the riders came about during the dance of dragons. the civil war itself, and the final storming of the dragonpit, lead the dragonkeepers to abandon house targaryen and return to essos — as all members hailed from across the narrow sea through their heritage. they could not, and would not, continue to witness the death and demise of the creatures they swore their lives to protecting... nether the factions of black nor green heeded their plea to halt the continued, exponential using of dragons as weapons and fodder for war.      though they would have wished it, none of the surviving members of the order were able to transport a dragon egg away from westeros as all of the known ones were in custody of opposing sides of the monarchy, it has also remained firmly against their beliefs to attempt to command or ride a dragon for selfish reasons.   as such, they could not do anything to compel any of the dragons to leave westeros. instead, they took with them their histories, lore, their magic and their knowledge, and mourned their perceived failing as the dragons fell into all-but extinction.

  game of thrones verse: the return of dragons and keepers                       based in the verse created by cali of @isefyres(✘)after the dance of dragons, having beheld the destruction of the dragons, figures they held as the remains of the magic of valyria and their gods, the dragonkeepers abandon house targaryen's service and return to essos.     the dragonkeepers remained mostly hidden in the ruins of asshai, preserving their order with each generation through study, worship, faith, and discipline, though their numbers dwindled as the years passed. almost two centuries passed before they returned to westeros.    having learned, through visions of jaera of their order, of the return of dragons, daerax was charged with sending out several of their strongest falcons to monitor the creatures movements from afar. once the news of daenerys targaryen claiming her ancestral home reached their ears, they mobilised to offer their services to, and share the rightfully inherited knowledge to, the mother of dragons & her children.

Each night I lie and dream about the one who kissed me and awakened my desire. I spent a single hour with him alone & since that hour, my days are layed with fire.

namegannica grimmage18 - 24
pronounsshe / herlocationthe reach
affiliationhouse grimm of
occupationa lady of house
faceclaimhanna mangan-

 about  She is the younger twin of Lord Gannicus Grimm, who is the heir of House Grimm of Greyshield, one of the Shield Islands of the Reach, and heir to their seat of Grimston. Born in 121AC, at the close of the Civil War of House Targaryen — known as the dance of dragons, and Gannica would be amongst the 31 brides suggested for King Aegon III.
  date of birth : 21st Day, 5th Moon, 121AC.     kings: viserys i, dance of dragons, aegon iii.

  • height : 5' 3"

  • eye color : soft honey brown

  • hair color : deep, rich brown

  • languages : the common tongue & high valyrian

  • piercings : both ears

  • scars : none

  • colours : blossom pink, lavender, brilliant gold, pastel cyan

  • accessories : gold and silver, gem accented hair nets & adornments.

  • strengths: devoted, proud, noble, cunning, magnetic, flirtatious, observant, passionate & ambitious.

  • weaknesses: obsessive, insecure, vengeful, vain, arrogant, emotional, manipulative, stubborn & hateful when slighted.

  other      gemini Sun + taurus Moon + pisces Rising.   INFP-T ; The Turbulent Mediator.   5w + The Thinker.    Sanguine    &    Neutral Good.

 biography  She is the younger twin of Lord Gannicus Grimm, and they are the sole children of their parents as their birth caused their mother great turmoil. House Grimm of Greyshield rules the island Greyshield, one of the Shield Islands of the Reach, from their castle, Grimston. the twins were born in 121AC, at the close of the Civil War of House Targaryen, and Gannica would be a suggested bride for King Aegon The Younger. Gannica was blessed with her mothers beauty, and is a quintessential lady of noble birth and Reachborn culture. She is charming, delicate in appearance (but not of mind), cleverly and stragically flirtatious, and quite stubborn; the former and latter traits she shares with her twin, as well as they desire for power and deep-rooted ambition.To the ignorance of their father, and wilful ignorance of their mother, Gannica and Gannicus forged a fiercely deep bond that progressed beyond traditional siblings. Initially passed over as the curious closeness of twins, eventually their mother simply chose to ignore it — only expressing her awareness by instructing their maester to arrange a special tea for Gannica to drink. When the proposal for Gannica to wed King Aegon came about, they were both delighted at the taste of potential advantage ... and livid at the prospect of being separated. Gannica lusted after the position of queen, but loathed the idea of sharing a bed with someone other than her brother. Her brother — also displeased by the idea — went to their father and persuaded him to name Gannicus as her protector and escort, rather than a team of name-less knights, enabling him to travel with her.When Gannica, along with many others, were passed over for the position of Queen (Aegon wedding Daenaera Velaryon), she found her ego bruised, but not crushed. Their time spent in the capital had opened their eyes in other was; Gannica's mind switched instead to finding a husband who was pliable, but powerful, and Gannicus began to investigate potential avenues for the ideal arrangement for them both. She may never be Queen, but Gannica now understood power and prestige could be found elsewhere within the circles of the monarchy; the other goal is simply to keep from being separated — often describing each other as 'the other half of my soul'; which almost all still mistake for the closeness of simple twins.

Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted her his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father's head. Sansa would never make that mistake again.

namesansa starkage20s
pronounsshe / herlocationkings landing,
affiliationhouse botley,
yara greyjoy
titlehouse stark,
her family
occupationnoble ladyfaceclaimsophie turner
alt. charlotte hope.

 about  eldest daughter of Winterfell, her fathers second trueborn chilld due to ned's assumed fathering of jon snow; her elder brother is robb stark, and her younger siblings are Arya, Bran & Rickon Stark, as well as house starks ward in theon greyjoy. in her naïve youth she once she desired the affection of house lannister, to be queen, and was the betrothed of joffrey baratheon. years of trauma and loss have passed since that time, and now all sansa desires freedom from oppression, safety & home.
  date of birth : 1st Day, 9th Moon, 285AC.     kings: robert, joffrey, the war of five kings.

  marriages   Lord Tyrion Lannister (wedded, unconsummated, dissolved), & Lord Ramsay Bolton (forcibly wedded, widowed)
  pregnancy   sansa did conceive a child by ramsay bolton, through marital rape. she terminated the pregnancy shortly after house stark reclaimed winterfell & ramsays execution.

  scars & trauma   Cane & whip scarring on her back and the back of her thighs, inflicted by Ramsay, scarring from injuries relating to her escape from House Bolton.
  pets   The direwolf Lady, who was forcibly euthanised at the command of Queen Cersei. Later, Sansa keeps an aviary of winter doves, all of whom are named for those she has lost.

  • height : 5’6.5”

  • eye colour : crisp blue

  • hair colour : light auburn

  • languages : the common tongue

  • faith : the seven & the old gods

  • piercings : earlobes, though she doesn't often wear them anymore

  • colours : navy blue, auburn, ivory, steel grey, earth brown, bluestone

  • accessories : sigils of houses stark and tully throughout her clothes & a luxurious fur-lined cloak

  • strengths: creative, attentive, honourable, observant, loyal, resilient, kind, adoring, tactful, compassionate & gracious

  • weaknesses: naïve, selfish, vengeful, paranoid, suspicious, obstinate, once-pliable & haunted

  other      Virgo Sun + Pisces Moon + Scorpio Rising.   INFJ-T; The Turbulent Advocate.   3w4 + The Expert Performer. Phlegmatic —Melancholic &    Lawful Good/neutral.

 biography  Eldest daughter of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn Stark of Winterfell, Sansa was, like her siblings, born during the reign of their fathers fostered brother, King Robert I Baratheon, and with House Stark in their ancestral positions of Wardens of the North. Sansa is traditionally beautiful, taking after her mother's family (House Tully of Riverrun) with her high cheekbones, deep blue eyes, and thick soft auburn hair, which is vibrant and lighter than her mother's; tall, graceful, and womanly. Sansa possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing, and a talent with embroidery. Unlike some of her siblings and kin, she keeps faith with both the Old Gods of the North (her father's faith) & the Faith of The Seven, like her mother.Initially betrothed to Prince Joffrey Baratheon, the heir to the Iron Throne, Sansa travels to King's Landing in preparation for her nuptials, but essentially becomes a hostage of House Lannister following the execution of her father on trumped-up charges of treason. Under the (sometimes unwitting) tutelage of Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, and Petyr Baelish, Sansa becomes well-versed in politics and court intrigue, but suffers all the same.      Even after escaping the capital and returning to her childhood home of Winterfell, she endures further hardship at the hands of House Bolton.She is forcibly wed to Ramsay Bolton, who torments her regularly as she is confined as a prisoner in her once-home, with no allies and the ever-present taunt of ramsay's intention to father "a son or two" from sansa, and then release her for he & his hounds to hunt.      sansa successfully conceals a pregnancy from house bolton, & after escaping from Winterfell with the help of her father's former ward, Theon Greyjoy, and her sworn-sword, Brienne of Tarth, Sansa reunites with Jon at Castle Black. When Ramsay 'frees' Sansa's youngest brother, Rickon, and then swiftly executes him in front of their banners, a great battle takes place for the stark's ancestral home. Along with the support of the Free Folk, the knights of the Vale, and Northern houses, Sansa and Jon retake Winterfell.Taking the right of being his executioner — as the one who passes the sentance should swing the sword — Sansa releases Ramsay's own hounds on him and they tear him to pieces as so many of his former victims had been. after Winterfell is taken, Sansa; now twice-wedded, once-widowed, and finally free from years of torment under the sociopathic whims of others cruelty, quickly terminates the pregnancy forced upon her and sets her sights on strengthening the north and ensuring the future of house stark in their ancient seat. sansa is soon joined at winterfell by her surviving siblings, and winter is coming.

 v: winter has come 
Sansa's marriage to Lord Ramsay Bolton is ended with his assassination. Winterfell has been reclaimed by House Stark, and Sansa is trying her best to heal from the horrors that no one truly knows. With the announcement from the Citadel that the Long Summer is at an end. Sansa is torn between vengeance and hatred towards the Crown (particularly Queen Mother Queen Cersei), wariness of the Dragon Queen, and the looming fear of The Night King. Having been the direct victim of the Lannisters, Sansa's wrath, and deep anxiety, is centred around the South; knowing what they are capable of & what will become of the North once the Lannister dominion reaches them.

 v: queen in the north 
Sansa is the eldest surviving member of House Stark, and has been crowned the Queen in The North. Her main priority, outside of ensuring the North remains independent, is her plan to dismantle the barrier between the Westerosi North and the Free Folk. Sansa believes that the Northern kingdom will only grow more powerful when united, and to protect itself from further insurgence from greater Westeros it is best to dismantle the Wall between the two parts of the North.      sansa corresponds frequently with jon snow and the free folk, forging alliances and plans to unite the two cultures in peace and prosperity.

 dance au: sansa hailborn 
A handmaiden to Lord Cregan Stark's first wife, Lady Arra Norrey. Her name came from the horrendous weather on the day and night her mother laboured to deliver her; the hailstones that fell had been so large that holes were torn through roofs and people were knocked to the ground, even killed. Sansa travelled with Lady Arra to Winterfell when she wed Lord Cregan in 126AC. Sansa was, by then a dear, trusted friend (and rumoured lover) of the new lady of Winterfell. Sansa was heartbroken and mourned deeply when Arra died in the childbed, but ultimately remained at Winterfell — some say to remain close to lady arra's final resting place.

What she really loved was to hang over the edge and watch the bow of the ship slice through the waves. She loved it especially when the waves were high and the ship rose and fell, or when it was snowing and the flakes stung her face.

namesym botleyage20s
pronounsshe / herlocationiron islands
affiliationhouse botley,
yara/asha greyjoy
titlenoble lady,
occupationcaptain of

 about  the only daughter of lordsport, heir to the captaincy of her fathers ship, twin sister of symond botley and the thirdborn child as she is slightly older than symond. sym was disposed of her ladyship alongside her still-living siblings, and was mad with rage upon finding out her uncle had sided with euron, not yara greyjoy as house botley had decided. sym plans to avenger her father, reclaim swiftfin as her own, reclaim house botley's lands from their traitorous kin and that of house wynch.
  date of birth : 1st Day, 9th Moon, 279AC.     kings: robert, joffrey, the war of five kings.

  ships   Vengeance & swiftfin; formerly known as the green arrow & renamed vengeance in 299AC. additionally, heir to the captaincy of swiftfin, which was stolen by her uncle germund botley in 299AC.

  missing finger   sym is missing most of her left pinky finger, it was mangled during a rough storm in her mid-teens. it was severed by a maester shortly afterward, just above the first knuckle.

  • height : 5' 6.5"

  • eye color : deep, dark brown

  • hair color : sandy brown

  • languages : the common tongue

  • piercings : both ears, bone studs

  • scars : a decent amount on her hands and arms; sailing incidents

  • colours : dark cyan-blue, seafoam white, grey iron, dark sand beige

  • accessories : brown padded leather vest; warmth and armour.

  • strengths: fearless, determined, brave, loyal, steadfast, highly capable, adventurous, charismatic, intelligent, & independent.

  • weaknesses: vengeful, controlling, stubborn, reckless, domineering, dogged & spiteful.

  other      Virgo Sun + gemini Moon + leo Rising.   ENTJ-A ; The Assertive Commander.   6w7 + The Confidant Loyalist.   Choleric &   Lawful Neutral.

 biography  sym is the thirdborn of the seven children of lord sawane and lady eura botley, she is the elder twin sister of symond botley. as with her siblings, sym is far more comfortable on deck than on land, and was a respected captain within the botley fleet by her seventeenth nameday. after years of fighting, lord sawane set a contest between his children to determine who would be heir to the botley longship swiftfin upon his death. sym won this contest, defeating her six brothers, and remains heir to the captaincy of her fathers longship.After Balon Greyjoy's death, his brother, Euron Greyjoy, returns to proclaim himself King of the Iron Islands. Sawane refuses to swear fealty to him, stating that the Seastone Chair belongs to Theon Greyjoy by rights, and theon in turn has named his sister yara / asha greyjoy as the rightful heir in his stead. Euron has Sym's father drowned, and his children are dispossessed of the lordship.       sym, symond, and harlan take to the waters and draw away the bulk of house botley's fleet, later separated between the seven siblings to command and keep out of the hands of euron greyjoy ad their uncle. Half of the lands of House Botley are given to House Wynch, while the remnants are left to Sawane's brother, Germund Botley, the new Lord of Lordsport, who supports Euron and has claimed swiftfin from his niece.     sym has now been sym has been branded a traitor to the iron islands, alongside her siblings. it is at this time she renames the green arrow to vengeance, a message to her uncle and the false salt king.

Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain & sickness it would still be dear. Your mind is my treasure, & if it were broken, it would be my treasure still.

nameperianne mooreage18 - 25
pronounsshe / herlocationthe red keep
affiliationprincess saera &
house moore
titlenoble lady of
house moore
occupationthe princess'
faceclaimsun zhenni

 about  at court as a companion of Princess Saera Targaryen. after Perianne became the companion of the princess her elder sister, Ziah, was attacked mercilessly whilst visiting peri in the capital. Though she survived, the eldest daughter of House Moore would take her life less than two months later. Perianne never felt whole again; growing distant from her younger siblings, and never visiting her home in Bronze Rock. Queen Alysanne is said to consider Peri a vain, empty-headed fool, but beneath her exterior is a vast well of emotions (mostly surrounding her sisters suicide) she isn't able to process.
  date of birth : 19th Day, 6th Moon, 66AC.              king: jaehaerys i, viserys i.

  rumoured lovers   Princess Saera Targaryen, Lady Alys Turnberry, Lord Jonah Mooton, Lord 'Red Roy' Connington, & Ser Braxton 'Stinger' Beesbury.

  pet   spearhead: A red-shouldered hawk, she is fond of hawking and it is something she shared with her siblings, and later princess saera and their companions.

  • height : 5' 3.5"

  • eye colour : dark brown - black

  • hair colour : inky, dark brown

  • languages : the common tongue, lengii, and high valyrian.

  • piercings : both ears & nose

  • tattoo : a small cluster of summer berries on her left inner ankle

  • colours : periwinkle lavender, white gold, diamond, coal black

  • accessories : a lengii hair pin, with dangling accented sparkling gems

  • strengths: loving, attentive, creative, light-hearted, caring, thoughtful, imaginative, curious dedicated & protective

  • weaknesses: compliant, emotional, competitive, restless, absentminded, impulsive & dependent.

  other      Gemini Sun + Leo Moon + Gemini Rising.   INFP-T; The Turbulent Mediator.   4w5 + The Creative Free-Spirit.    Sanguine &     Lawful Good.

 biography  The second-born yet eldest surviving daughter of the spear-sigiled House Moore, Perianne is the striking, smouldering-eyed beauty of Bronze Rock. Her family, House Moore, is a quietly wealthy noble house hailing from The Vale of Arryn. Their lands, south-west of the Vale proper, are rich in bronze ore deposits, with smaller amounts of iron ore on the eastern side, which is the root source of their wealth. House Moore is also noted for their artistry and craftsmanship; oil paintings, portraits, metallurgy, and their creation of unique barbed, bronze spearheads.      Perianne, dubbed Pretty Peri, by the Princess Saera Targaryen herself, was one of Saera's five favourites — alongside Alys Turnberry, Jonah Mooton, Lord Roy Connington, called Red Roy, and Ser Braxton Beesbury, who was called Stinger. They were inseparable at every feast and ball, they hunted and hawked together, Perianne with her own hawk, Spearhead, on her arm. King Jaehaerys was pleased at his daughter's popularity and friendships, but Queen Alysanne remained dubious, concerned about the character of Perianne, Alys, and the three boys. Nevertheless, the King felt they could not get up to trouble, not with all the servants attending them ever present.As Peri's friendship with the princess, and their little company, grew, her family came to attend a tourney in Kings Landing, after which Lord Moore was to return home, leaving Peri at court with the Princess. Whilst House Moore visited, Peri's elder sister, Ziah, was attacked by drunkards. Though members of the City Watch heard her screams and intervened; Ziah had already sustained injuries and been assaulted.      Princess Saera pressed her father, the King, to exact justice for the slighted House Moore and her Pretty Peri, and so the assailants were gelded and sent to The Wall. Some months later, not long after Lady Ziah returned to Bronze Rock, she took her own life. In a letter she wrote to Perianne, Ziah explained she could no longer stand the stares, and that she would always watch over her little sister; the now eldest living child of their family.In 84AC, an incident occurred between Saera's male favourites; Jonah, Roy, and Braxton, and the King's fool at a brothel called the Blue Pearl. Jonah claimed had been Princess Saera's idea. In the middle of the night, both Perianne and Alys were woken abruptly and brought before Queen Alysanne for questioning. She threatened them both with imprisonment in the dungeons, alongside Red Roy, Stinger, and Jonah, if they were dishonest. Whilst Perianne and Alys had no idea of what had occurred at The Blue Pearl, they broke down in tears and begged forgiveness; confessing another tale.
First, Alys explained that while playing kissing games, among themselves, Saera, Alys, and Perianne had starting kissing each other with their clothes off. Peri kept herself silent, a flush across her cheeks as she stared at the floor; hoping Stinger hadn't let it become known that she and Alys had become regular lovers, how Peri had confessed that she preferred the company of girls to boys.
When the Queen asked where their servants and grooms were, Perianne grew confused ... and said that Saera dismissed them from the room, and the servants always did what they were told. Peri added that Stinger had threatened to have their tongues out if they talked. Suddenly Alys crumbled into manic sobs, tearing at her night clothes as Peri tried to hold her back. Alys confessed that she was now pregnant, and did not know who the father was. Peri was shocked at the revelation, and clung to her first love, crying as they both begged forgiveness. Sent back to their chambers, Queen Alysanne instructed that they would each make a confession in the morning to a septa and be forgiven by The Mother. Peri walked back in daze, and wished for the thousandth time that she could talk to her sister.

You crave chaos. You're happiest when the world is in an uproar. You thrive on madness. Even when your magic is at its best when it's the catalyst to confusion. You still can't admit this?

namealys turnberryage18 - 25
pronounsshe / herlocationthe red keep
affiliationprincess saera &
house turnberry
titlenoble lady of
house turnberry
occupationthe princess'
faceclaimcaitlin stasey

 about  she represents her family and their hopes for more renown for their house; yet Alys has had very little interest in politics — she's always preferred to enjoy each moment. Alys knows that the queen dislikes her, though she tries not to let it bother her. She is in her own world, alongside the princess, and their companions. Sweetberry, as the princess dubbed her, also knows enough of court to be aware that her desires would disgrace her reputation. Paranoia and regret are starting to creep up on her, and she feels, for the first time, that she might be in over her head.
  date of birth : 11th Day, 2nd Moon, 67AC.              king: jaehaerys i, viserys i.

  rumoured lovers   Princess Saera Targaryen, Lady perianne moore, Lord Jonah Mooton, Lord 'Red Roy' Connington, & Ser Braxton 'Stinger' Beesbury.

  daughter   rue stone: Sired by Red Roy Connington, and born with the Connington red hair. Alys named her Rue, & the flame-haired girl was given the Vale bastard surname Stone.

  • height : 5' 3"

  • eye colour : soft brown with a hazel ring around the pupil

  • hair colour : honey brown

  • languages : the common tongue and high valyrian.

  • piercings : both earlobes

  • tattoo : later; a red blossom on her writst (for her daughter)

  • colours : latte brown, honey yellow, ivory, blossom pink

  • accessories : drop earrings & delicate hair adornments

  • strengths: charming, talented, jovial, dedicated, sensual, loving, emotive, trusting & spirited

  • weaknesses: insecure, flippant, anxious, soft-hearted, secretive & self-conscious

  other      Aquarius Sun + Taurus Moon + Cancer Rising.   ESFJ-T; The Turbulent Consul.   9w + The Peacekeeper.    Melancholic    &     Lawful good -Neutral Good.

 biography  The prized daughter of House Turnberry of Sweet Ravine, a Westerlands banner house sworn to House Lefford of Golden Tooth. Alys was a handful of months apart from Princess Saera Targaryen, and attended the royal court at the Red Keep in King's Landing. In 82AC, Alys became a favourite and dearest friend of the princess, along with Perianne Moore. It was Princess Saera who dubbed her Sweetberry, a name which endured throughout her life.       Alys was one of Princess Saera's five favourites — alongside Perianne Moore, Jonah Mooton, Lord Roy Connington, who was called Red Roy, and Ser Braxton Beesbury, who was called Stinger. They were inseparable at every feast and ball... they hunted and hawked together, and once all sailed across Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone together. When the young lords rode at rings or crossed swords in the yards, the three girls cheered them on. King Jaehaerys was pleased at his daughter's popularity and friendships, but Queen Alysanne remained dubious, concerned about the character of Alys, Perianne, and the three boys. Nevertheless, the King felt they could not get up to trouble with all the servants attending.In 84AC, an incident occurred between Saera's male favourites; Jonah, Roy, and Braxton, and the King's fool Tom Turnip, at a brothel called the Blue Pearl. Jonah claimed had been Princess Saera's idea, and so in the middle of the night, Alys and Perianne were woken and brought before Queen Alysanne. She threatened them both with imprisonment in the dungeons, alongside their friends, if they were dishonest. Whilst Alys had no idea of what had occurred, she wept and begged forgiveness; confessing another tale that Queen Alysanne was unaware of.She revealed that while playing kissing games among themselves, Saera, Perianne, and Alys had started kissing each other with their clothes off, taking turns pretending they were boys. Alys admitted that the princess dared Alys to kiss a real boy, Alys then dared Perianne, and then they both dared Saera. The princess replied she would kiss a man grown; a knight ... this began the ladies' affairs with Red Roy, Jonah, and Stinger.     Queen Alysanne then demanded to know where their septas and servants had been during all of this, and Perianne explained they had sent them out of the room by Princess Saera, and Stinger had threatened to have their tongues out if they talked.As Perianne explained this, Alys to broke down sobbing and tearing at her nightgown. She apologised to the queen, and claimed that Saera and Stinger had pressured her into sexual behaviour. Overcome with fear and guilt, she revealed she was with child and she did not know who the father was.       After this, Queen Alysanne sent both girls back to their rooms, telling them that they would make a full confession to a septa in the morning, and be forgiven by The Mother. Alys knew that her own mother would not forgive her, however, she fainted, and was carried back to her chambers.

 main au: mother sweetberry 
After conceiving a child out of wedlock and being tricked into believing they would be wed, Alys is sent is sent to Motherhouse of Maris to birth her noble-born bastard in semi-private shame. By the time she gave birth learned that her intended had already wed, and denied Alys and her child, a little girl named rue stone. Broken-hearted over the betrayal, and that her daughter would forever bear a bastards name, Alys stepped away from nobility, and bought a property to convert into a new motherhouse. She now cares for her daughter & cast aside other noble-born bastards.
      though inspired by canon events, this verse fits any era.

  lowborn, secondary au: sweetberry of the fields 
A lowborn girl, close to the members of House Turnberry and good friends with their middle and youngest daughter, who are of a similar age. Alys and her own siblings all work as pickers in the berry fields, whilst her mother is a cook in the kitchens of Sweet Ravine. Alys' father works as a labourer and occasional aid for the smiths, a hopeful blacksmith in his own right. As the eldest daughter of her family, it often falls to her to take care of her younger siblings and household needs. she often journeys with her father into the main townships and cities when they travel to sell & trade house turnberry's fruits.

ships, dynamics.

listed below are dynamics / pairings i am open to for my canon characters.
additionally listed are some shipping details for my ocs.

some of these reflect only their canon era, others are plucked from various parts of the timelines (ages would be edited to
match appropriately)
, some are pairings that never interacted, and underlined opposites reflect other timelines and eras.
continuously expanding, under construction !!

Muse NameCanon Opposites for Dynamics
Aegon I TargaryenVisenya I Targaryen, Rhaenys I Targaryen, Argella Durrandon.      Daenerys Targaryen.
Alys TurnberrySaera Targaryen, Perianne Moore.     Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, Robb Stark, Sans Stark, Daenerys Targaryen.
Daenerys TargaryenJon Snow, Drogo, Margaery Tyrell, Robb Stark, Irri, Doreah.       Alicent Hightower, Daemon Targargen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aegon I Targaryen, Jaime Lannister.
Jon SnowDaenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Ygritte.      Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen
Sansa StarkTyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Margaery Tyrell, Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark, Gendry Waters/Baratheon.      Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon
Perianne MooreAlys Turnberry, Saera Targaryen.      Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark, Gendry Waters/Baratheon
Robert BaratheonLyanna Stark, Cersei Lannister.      Daenerys Targaryen,

original charaters.

some collected shipping reference details for my original characters.

Muse NameShipping References, etc.USFW Notes
Vida WatersBisexual, she falls into a category of dominance, or dominant switch, as a preference due to wanting to protect herself. She would only submit to someone she actually trusted, which is nearly impossible.Kinks : Agression / rough sex / soft sadomasichism (level depending on the ship opposite), size kink, semi-clothed sex, power play / sex-as-a-fight.
Regnarra DrummSexually fluid, fulfilling different needs depending on the sex of the person. Regnarra is a switch, with a bold / bratty submissive streak in her.Kinks : Exhibitionism, public sex, height difference, size kink (additionally, towards generally physically larger/stronger men)

shipping, spice, details.

listed below are some basic notes on muses sexuality, and some additional notes on their preferences or experiences.
you do not need to engage in spice with me if you do not want to!

Muse NameShipping References, etc.USFW Notes
Daenerys TargaryenBisexual, generally a switch, with tendencies often depending on the partner. She often finds herself more dominant naturally with women. She is selective with her partners as it is based on trust and a certain level of power exchange. Her level of openness with her sexuality and desires is dependent on the timeline and verse.Kinks : size kink, worship (giving and recieving), exhibitionism, power play, threesomes (where she is the mid in the power dynamic)


listed below are affiliates, mains, exclusives, and similar connections with
other roleplayers who's character(s) are interwoven with mine.

general mains; blog wide, integral affiliations.

characterdescription & affiliationurl
alysanne velaryonblog wide, mains@alysannevelaryon
elysa yronwoodblog wide, mains@kirimvesrina
the dragonkeepersdaerax's brethren, exclusively lore affiliated@isefyres
isefyres, lilagonzaldrizotiblog wide, mains@isefyres, @lilagonzaldrizoti

character specific affiliations,
may list duplicates of above.

characterdescription & affiliationurl
alicent hightowerdaemon's bride, daemon's exclusive alicent portrayal@d0wager
the dragonkeepersdaerax's order brethren, highly affiliated@isefyres
valaena velaryonvisenya's mother, highly affiliated & exclusive@velcryons
dorren mormontvida's primary ship / exclusive charlie vickers fc.@foughtwcrs
dacey mormontvida's dear friend / exclusive portrayal of dacey.@foughtwcrs
aemelia targaryenaeron's exclusive freya mavor fc opposite.@gevidana
daemon targaryenaeron's uncle / his exclusive daemon opposite.@dastardlydaemon
alys blackwoodedmyn's canon wife, highly lore affiliated.@westeroses

 lady posey gardener of highgarden 
she is removed younger cousin of lord theo tyrell who was orphaned during The First Dornish War. He took her in as his ward, and she has been raised in Highgarden ever since, they are both semi-removed descendants of the last King of The Reach, King Mern IX Gardener, which is how they are related to each other. posey is around twenty years younger than Theo.

 lord eldon estermont of greenstone 
The elder brother of lady cassana estermont; the three siblings were all very close in youth and into adulthood. He outlives Cassana, owing to her untimely death. Later in life he becomes the husband of lady sylva santagar, though at this time in his life he is seventy years old, with a son and grandson, his first wife deceased. Eldon is fifty years Sylva's senior at the time of her forcible betrothal to him.

 lord gannicus grimm of greyshield 
The elder twin of lady gannica grimm, a suggested bride for King Aegon III. Gannicus is viciously protective of Gannica, not only as siblings but as lovers; the two have been in a romantic relationship for most of their adolescence & adult life. this relationship (despite its secrecy) plays a huge role in the discussion of Gannica being suggested to wed king aegon iii.

 lady alohaera celitgar of claw isle † 
the first wife of ser quenton qoherys, she was six years his junior, an arranged match. she joined him at Dragonstone where he was serving as Master at Arms for house targaryen. They had two sons; Alqon Qoherys and Goran Qoherys, and were married, quite pleasantly, from 19BC until her death of Spotted Fever in 1BC.

 rue stone 
the bastard-born daughter of lady alys turnberry, conceived out of wedlock by alys and (though he denies it) roy connington; rue was born with his red hair. as lord connington had denied alys and her daughter, and married another, she was born in the motherhouse of maris in gulltown and bears the bastard surnamed of 'stone'.

 verse name 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

 verse name 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

 verse name 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.